Next Level (Part 1/2)

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"Hey, I love you." Patrick said to me. "I love you too." I giggled. "You should come over tonight." He suggested. What should I say? You see, Patrick and I just started saying I love you. And now we're inseparable. You can't see me without Patrick right by my side. I'm a little nervous. We've never gone farther than a little make out session, but he's been a little more affectionate lately. I think he wants to take our relationship a step further. "Uh, sure. Just come over or what.?" Patrick shrugged. "Stay the night." He demanded. "I don't know..." He cringed. "Oh c'mon, babe. Please stay the night." He begged me while pulling my hand like a three year old. "...fine." He cheered and threw his hands up in the air. "But just because I love you."

I mean, don't get me wrong. I love Patrick to death. I'm just a little nervous, scared, and all that. I'm a virgin. I've heard it hurts. Oh my god. I don't want to feel pain. I thought it was supposed to be pleasurable. I'm not even sure if we're going to have sex. I guess I'll find out in a few minutes or so. I went into his house and saw it nearly empty. "Hello? Patrick?" I heard footsteps come downstairs. "Hey, babe. I'm glad you're here. It's a little lonely. My family went out of town for the weekend. So it's just you and me." He said snaking his arms around my waist. I nodded nervously. "Cool. That's very.. Nice." He smiled and kissed my neck. Gradually forming a hickey. I tensed up a little bit. "Baby, what's wrong? You're all tense." I nervously laughed. "Nothing is wrong. It just tickles." He flashed me his smile and kissed my cheek. "C'mon. Let's watch a movie and cuddle." I giggled and grabbed his hand.

During the movie, Patrick held me the hole time. He also snuck a few kisses to my neck, cheek, forehead, and lips. He made me feel so loved. "So, you wanna go up to my room?" Patrick asked me when the movie ended. "Yeah, sure." He walked me up into his room and we sat on the bed. "Look, May. I really do love you. You make me happy everyday and I'm just so happy how you never get tired or bored of me. And I just wanna say.. I-I wanna take our r-relationship to the next.. The next level." My hands lightly squeezed on his and my body tensed a little. I don't know what to say. "I'm sorry. I know this is a giant step and I understand if you're not ready or if you don't want to do it with me. If I were you, I wouldn't want to do it with me either-" I grabbed his hands harder and looked him in the eye. "No, don't say that. I love you so much and I'd want to do it with you. I'm just scared. I've never done it before." He nodded. "I know and I understand if you're not ready. But it we love each other so much, we can go through this experience together. I wouldn't have it with anybody else."

I nodded and kissed his cheek. "Patrick?" I asked. "Yes, baby?"
"I think I'm ready. I wanna do it with you and I trust and love you so much." Patrick kissed my neck. "Are you sure?" I nodded. I could feel his smile on my skin. I pushed Patrick back on the bed and kissed him lightly. He proceeded to make me feel wanted and loved just by his lips. I rubbed my hands against his chest and started to unbutton his shirt. "May, wait. Do I have to take my shirt off?" His words were like burns on my skin. "Why don't you want your shirt off, baby?" He sat up straight, making me fall onto his lap. "I'm just not so comfortable with my body." I shook my head. "There's no need to, Trick. I love you and I want to love all of you. And I could already tell I do. Your body is so hot and sexy, baby. Don't be ashamed. I'll always love you." Patrick looked up and smiled. "I'll always love you too, sugar." He reached up and removed his shirt. I laughed and hugged his body. I pushed him back down and continued to kiss him all over. He tugged on my shirt, a sign telling me to remove my top. I took off my top and Patrick gazed at my bare chest. "You're so beautiful, babygirl." I blushed and hid my face. "Don't hide, sugar. You're stunning." I looked at him and kissed him so forcefully. "Patrick, I want you now!" Patrick's eyes got wider as he removed all of his clothes including mine. "Do you have a condom?" I asked. "Oh, yes! Almost forgot. We don't need little Patrick Juniors running around here." I laughed. He reached in his bedside drawer and took out one. He slid it onto his fairly big dick I may add. Dirty thoughts. Get them out of my head. Oh wait, it's okay because I'm about to do the dirty. "You ready?" I looked him in the eyes and fell in love. "Yes.."

//Should I do a part 2??\\

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