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"This is the third time, Patrick!" You yelled. "I know, I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I promise." Your boyfriend, Patrick, of two years we're arguing again. He forgot to come to your parent's family dinner. "I've heard it all before, Patrick. You missed my brother's wedding because you were in the studio. Then, you missed my mom's birthday because you were in the studio, again! And now, this. All you do is spend time in that studio nowadays. You don't even say 'Hi' to me anymore." You said. Patrick was speechless. He lifted up his head. "I'm so sorry. I'm a terrible boyfriend." You hugged him and he leaned his head on your shoulder. "No, you're a great boyfriend. It's just,.. It's just,.. I don't know. Maybe we need a break." Patrick lifted up his head immediatly. "Baby, no! Please! I won't do it ever again, I promise." Your eyes grew with tears. "I've heard it all before, Trick. I'm sorry, but I can't deal with this." You walk upstairs to your room that you and Patrick share and pack your clothes in a bag. You walk back downstairs. "(Y/N), just know, I'm so sorry and I'll love you forever and always." This got you crying an ocean. This was this hardest thing to do, letting your true love go. "I'm sorry, Trick. I love you too." You wiped your tears and walked outside. As you get into your car, you can hear Patrick screaming and hitting the walls in anger.

*4 months later*

It's been four months since you left Patrick. Not a day goes by you don't think about him. You recently got a new boyfriend, his name is Brendon Urie. You might know him. You two have been dating for two months. You were friends before, you just grew feelings for eachother. You two have an apartment together. "Babe? You okay?" Brendon asked snapping you out of your daydreaming. "Uh, yeah. Sorry, I was distracted." You look away. "Our record label is having a party tonight. Wanna go?" You nod and stare off into space, again.

*At the record label party*

You arrived at the party and already you're feeling nervous. You have anxiety around big crowds and you're claustrophobic. You grip onto Brendon's bicep and get more nervous minute by minute. "Babe, loose your grip a little." You let go and follow Brendon, trying not to pass out. You follow Brendon to a group of guys. They look familiar. Oh, it's Pete. Brendon greets him and Pete sees me. His eyes bulge out of his head. "Pete, this is my girlfriend, (Y/N)." Pete pretends not to know you and you do the same.

You've been at this party for twenty minutes now and nothing is going on. Brendon is having fun with everybody else, but you don't know a single person here, except Pete. "Hey, have you met my girlfriend? She's amazing." You hear Brendon say and he pulls your arm. You put on a fake smile and try to pull a good first impression. You turn around and you see... Patrick. Your smile soon fades away. So does his. "Patrick, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Patrick." You look down and nod. "I know. We know each other." Brendon looked confused. "He's my ex-boyfriend." You say quietly. You never told Brendon that you dated Patrick. "Oh. Small world, huh?" Brendon says. You and Patrick just stand there awkwardly.

About thirty minutes pass and it's still boring. All you've done was sit there and make small eye contact with Patrick. You get bored and look around. Next thing you know, everyone was gone. There was no sign of Brendon anywhere near you. You get enough courage to get up and look around. Now, you're lost. You keep turning your head in circles, but you are surrounded by people you don't know. You feel light headed and your vision goes black. The last thing you see is Patrick running towards you screaming your name.

*Patrick's P.O.V*

Tonight, I have plans to go to a party for the record label. I was planning on trying to have a good time, but I've been depressed lately, Ever since (Y/N) left me. I miss her everyday. Anyways, I get to the party and Pete tells me (Y/N) is here. I flip out, i want to ask him so many more questions, but Brendon pulls me away. He wants me to meet his new girlfriend. I could care less, but he's my friend. She turns around and I saw something that broke my heart. It was (Y/N). She was dating my friend. Wait!- Brendon is dating my ex-girlfriend?! That I still love, if I may add. We didn't talk and just avoided eachother all night.

I got bored with Pete and Brendon, so I went to go get a drink. As I'm heading there, I see (Y/N). She looks lost. Should I go help her? I shouldn't, she did break my heart. But, I still love her. I have to do something. As I'm about to walk over to her, she starts to fall down. I scream her name and run to her. I stoop down and put her head in my lap. "Help! Somebody, get me a towel!" Brendon and Pete hear me and run inside and get me a wet towel. "What happened!?" Brendon asked. "She passed out!" I yell. I was pretty pissed that Brendon forgot (Y/N) and wandered off without her. "Why did she pass out!?" I rolled my eyes. (Y/N) needs a guy who loves her, who will take care of her, who knows her inside out. "She has anxiety and she's claustrophobic!" The whole room is quiet. "She never told me this." Brendon said innocently. "That's because you don't know (Y/N) like I do." I pressed the towel onto her forehead lightly. Her eyes started to twitch a little bit. She soon opened her eyes and I was the first thing she saw. Then, all of a sudden, she hugged me with as much force she had. I was shocked, yet relieved.

*Your P.O.V*

You forgot what just happened. All you can remember is seeing Patrick. All you can see is black now, but you can't hear anything. You feel something wet, and damp being pressed against your forehead. You open your eyes and see Patrick, your true love. You hug Patrick immediately. "Oh, Patrick. I had the worst dream ever. We got in a fight, and we moved on.We were both miserable, and it was the worst mistake I ever made, And it was terrible!" You let go of Patrick and looked around. You noticed that your dream was real, but it was a nightmare. You look at Patrick's shocked face, then at Brendon's. Your breathe starts to hitch. You get up quickly and run upstairs into a room. You go to the corner and cry.

*Patrick's P.O.V*

(Y/N) ran upstairs. I tried to grab her arm and hug her, that usually calms her down, but she was too fast. I tried to run up there, but Brendon pulled me back. "It's okay, I'll take care of her." I nodded and backed away. Brendon walked upstairs. "I should leave." I said. I started to make my way to the door, but Pete pulled me back. "You can't leave, she needs you." I dropped my head. "I just make everything harder for her, she doesn't need me. I ruined everything." I walked outside and walked home, forgetting my car. I just hope (Y/N) will be okay.

*Your P.O.V*

As you were in the corner crying, someone came in and sat next to you. They put their arm around you and tried to stop your crying. You thought it was Patrick, but when you looked up, it wasn't Patrick, it was Brendon. This just made it more awkward. You sniffled. "I'm sorry, Brendon. I'm sorry for embarrassing you out there." You said dropping your head. "It's fine, I'm used to it, I mean, remembee my last birthday? I was drunk as fuck." You laughed and Brendon smiled. "Yay, you're laughing." You nodded. You leaned your head on Brendon's shoulder and sighed. "You should go to him." You lifted your head. "What?" Brendon looked down. "I know how much you still love him. So, you should go to him. Like, right now." You furrowed your eyebrows. Brendon's being really cool about this. "Really? You sure, I don't want to hurt your feelings." Brendon shook his head. "I'm fine, go." You smiled and hugged Brendon and thanked him a thousand times. You walked downstairs to Pete. "Where's Patrick?" You ask. "He just left." You nod and run outside. You can't see Patrick anywhere down the street, so you go down the road leading to his house. You see a black figure sitting on the pavement with their head in their hands. You get closer and see it's Patrick. You sit next down and hug him. He's shocked, but soon notices it's you. He hugs back. After a minute of hugging, you pull away. "I love you." Patrick smiles. "I love you too." You lean in, but Patrick pulls back. "What about Brendon?" You shake your head. "It's all taken care of." Patrick smiles and leans in. "I missed you so much." Patrick says in between the kiss. "Me too." You are in hold of Patrick, kissing eachother. You soon pull away and walk to Patri- Your house hand in hand. "I love you." You say to Patrick. "I love you too, forever and always."

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