Strange Rain

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Kirstie Maldonado's POV

I love rain and I don't know why. Whenever it rained when I was young, I would always go outside and sit in the grass. I didn't care what I wore. I loved the smell, the feel, and it gave me time to relax while growing up. Sadly it didn't rain too much where I grew up but it rained to the point of where I was happy.

Rain has always been the 'sad' weather. The weather that no one likes. The weather that people want gone.

But I don't want rain gone. In fact, I want more rain. It's calming.

I'd always sit down on the grass near our fence and talk to my horse. I called her Angel. She was an amazing horse. She'd listen to me and I would pet her. She always enjoyed it. I talked to her a lot when I was younger because I was made fun of and didn't have many friends. I considered her a friend.

That was before I met Avi though. I've now known him for nearly 5 years. I met him when I was 18. He was 20, but it didn't matter at the time.

We're not dating, sadly. I've had a crush on the guy for two years. It sucks, you know? Liking someone and not having that person like you back. (TheMagicalDonut knows why I put that ;-;)

We met three silly guys on our journey of friendship; Kevin, Scott and Mitch. They're great guys, but I still only liked Avi. I don't know why.

It was almost 6 and I was in my bed, reading a book. I've heard all about how it made the teenage girls cry; The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.

I was almost at the end when my phone rang. I was already in tears because I was at the part where they die. "H-hello?" I answered and sniffed. "Kirstie? Are you okay?" Avi asked. I chuckled and took a shaky breath, "No. Books make me cry." I said. Avi laughed for three seconds on the line and it made me smile.

"Ah--okay. Well, hey. What're you up to this time of day, besides crying over fictional characters?"

"Nothing really. I've only been reading. I want to get to the end." I said. Avi chuckled, "Alright. But tonight it's going to rain." He said and I smiled. He knew I oddly loved rain.

"Come over then." I said. "As if I haven't been on my way." He responded and I quickly got up, getting out of my pajamas and into more decent clothes. "Jerk! Now I have to look decent even quicker." I said with the phone pressed up to my face.

"You're gonna look just fine." He said. I smiled, "Just take your time."

"Too late." Avi said and I heard the door being knocked on. I screeched, "Kaplan!" And finally got my skinny jeans on. I had blue skinny jeans on and a white t-shirt. Luckily I didn't need to worry about my face or hair.

I walked downstairs and opened the door. "Kaplan!" I yelled and threw myself on him, hugging him.

"Kirst!" I felt his smile. His beard tickled my neck but I didn't care.

I let go and smiled. "When's the rain coming?" I asked. "In an hour or two." He said. I nodded and let him in, closing the door.

"What do you want to do until then?" I asked and sat on the couch. "We could play 20 Questions." He suggested. I shrugged, "Why not? You start."

(A/N: to keep this short, Avi is in italic. Kirstie isn't.)

"What's your favorite color?"

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