Be Back For Christmas

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Kirstie Maldonado's POV

I didn't exactly trust today. My boyfriend, Avi, went out for Christmas shopping to buy gifts for his family and I, and I didn't really mind until he stopped answering my texts and calls.

He said he planned on going to Macy's and the bank. That's it. He'll be back.

Before distracting myself, I simply sent a text to his phone that said he should be back for Christmas dinner or else he won't get his Christmas gift, and then I turned the television on. A bunch of Nickelodeon shows were on, and so I switched the channel until I found something interesting. But then one thing caught my eye. The news.

"Bank robber killed 13, injured 7 on Christmas morning. Most were men."

My mouth fell agape, and I stared at the tv until I frantically grabbed my phone and tried calling the man I was madly in love with.


Avi Kaplan's POV [before]

"I just need two hundred. That's all," I smiled at the sweet older lady named Alice. She nodded and typed away on her computer while I waited. All of a sudden, people screamed and a man interrupted everyone.

"Everyone get on your knees and put your hands on your stomach! Now!" he yelled. I did as he told us all to do, and the lady hid behind the desk.

"Give me all of the goddamn money," he shouted at one of the workers. The worker frantically nodded, showing him where to go. As he disappeared, I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed 911, and whispered "bank robbery" before shutting it off quickly. Unfortunately, I heard stomping and the guy looked around. "Who called someone?!"

I stayed silent, and then he screamed yet again. "If you don't come forward, I will check the security cameras and kill you myself!"

I took a shaky breath and slightly rose my hand, and the guy looked at me with a devious grin. "You had that facade about you. I knew it might've been you," he smirked, then aimed the gun right at me. I took another breath, waiting, and he pulled the gun away. "Brave," he nodded. "How fake."

And then he aimed and shot me.


Kirstie Maldonado's POV

"Please," I cried. "Tell me if Avi Kaplan is here. That's all I need to know! Please."

She sighed, then looked him up on her computer. Her face suddenly changed, and her mouth fell open. She looked to me immediately, and then pursed her lips. "He isn't here," she said. "He was shot dead at the bank."

It didn't exactly hit me at first. I heard it, just didn't believe it for a few seconds there. How is it that he was happy and giddy only hours ago and now he's dead? How am I suppose to believe that my boyfriend is gone?

I nodded, not being able to form words, and I slowly left the hospital, tears falling from my cheeks and my throat closing up.


"We gather here today to celebrate Avi's life and to acknowledge his death," the priest said. "He was one of a kind."

I held onto Scott and Mitch's hand, closing my hazel green eyes, knowing that I'll never look into Avi's own ever again. Knowing that I'll never see that bright and loved smile ever again. Knowing he's gone.

"Kevin Olusola will be speaking his eulogy. Please come on up, Kevin," he said, and Kev stood up, walked over to the pew, and looked at everyone, especially Mitch, me, and Scott.

"Avi was my best friend. We had no idea each other existed until one fateful day in 2011 when we were both invited to sing on a TV show called The Sing Off. We then met Kirstin, Scott, and Mitch. That was also the day I named Kirstin 'Kristy' in my phone and even misspelt our own band name," he slightly smiled. "Anyways, Avi and Kirstin automatically clicked, as did Avi and I. Except those two had a different click. They had their own click."

I let a smile cross my face, remembering that day.

"We became best friends right then, and I'm pretty sure Kirstie and Avi had an unofficial thing going on there. Like they'd probably say 'I love you' to each other but no hetero, right?"

I almost laughed, and he continued. "Platonic my butt," he muttered, and a few more laughs escaped people in the room.

"We're all going to miss him and him not being here is going to suck so much b-but," Kevin suddenly became choked up, looking away for a moment, "But someone needed another angel. That angel just happened to be Avi."


a/n: aw tears

ok anywayssssss sorry it's short but i have like 4 drafts that might be published soon (?) idk ((:

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