zero: the life he never had

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zero: the life he never had

"So, I was thinking that for the new baby we could get a new house?" Louis whispers, resting his head against Zayn's shoulder as they cuddled in the bed. Nathan and Ethan were fast asleep just down the hall, their quiet snores coming from the baby monitor.

"We could just live in my place..." Zayn whispers back, running a hand through Louis' hair before kissing the top of his head. Louis let out a quiet hum before sitting up straight.

"I don't want to live in such a big house, this one is already too big..."

"Then what do you want?"

"I want a cottage, one by the sea or something cause I love the way waves sound when they hit the beach... It's calming." Louis says, looking down at the small baby bump with a soft smile. Zayn couldn't help but smile too, leaning down to kiss the baby bump.

"Anything else?" Zayn asks, looking at Louis as the younger boy smiles.

"I want a porch swing, one that we can sit on while the kids play in the back yard."

"And?" Zayn asks again, kissing the side of Louis' head which earned a quiet giggle from Louis. Louis' eyes sparkled and Zayn could almost swear he was glowing in the dim lamp light. Zayn enjoyed laying in bed with Louis, listening to him talk about their future and what he wanted. He could listen to Louis talk for hours, even if it was about the silliest of things.

"I want us to be happy." Louis whispers, his eyes connecting with Zayn's. A soft smile finds its way onto Zayn's face at Louis' words. He took a moment to kiss Louis, gripping his face in his hands as he does so. Louis giggles again as Zayn pulls away, but it wasn't long before a frown found its way onto Louis' face.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asks, giving Louis a concerned look.

"Do you think you'll ever let me go?" Louis asks, earning another look from Zayn. Zayn sits up in the bed, his hands reaching to touch Louis but he suddenly wasn't there. Zayn's eyes widened and panic seemed to engulf the young man.

"Louis?" Zayn says frantically, but Louis wasn't there.

Louis was gone.


Zayn wakes up in a cold sweat, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tries to calm down. This had been the third time this week alone he'd woken up like this. It takes him a moment to finally be able to breathe normally, but even then his breaths came out in pants. With shaky legs, Zayn climbs out of the bed, walking towards the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face. Zayn looks at himself in the mirror at that point, frowning at his appearance. He didn't recognize himself. The man's eyes were still red, dark purple bags sat underneath them. His skin was pale, covered in a scruffy beard that was getting a little too long. His hair was nearly to his shoulders, some of it standing up in weird places. Zayn lets out a soft sigh before looking down at the scissors that sat on the counter. He picks them up after only a second of contemplation and then proceeds to cut his hair.

It doesn't take him long to finish, and when he does he was a little surprised to find he could barely recognize himself still. There was a part of him missing, he could even tell just by looking in the reflection of a mirror.

He didn't need to look in the mirror though.

He was numb inside, had been for the past two months since Louis left taking his sons with him. Zayn had tried finding Louis, he had hired the same man who found them in the first place but he had come up empty just like everyone else. It was like Louis had just vanished in thin air, but that didn't mean Zayn was going to stop trying.

Zayn was more than determined to find Louis, even if the younger boy didn't want to be found. He wasn't going to wait two years again.

The young man lets out a sigh before walking out of the bathroom, grabbing a shirt out of his dresser before walking down to the kitchen. He was met with the sight of Robbie sitting at the kitchen counter with one of Zayn's shirts on.

"You shaved." Robbie says quietly when he sees Zayn, knowing not to ask any question concerning Louis and the twins.

"I did."

"Does this mean you're going to leave the house today?" Robbie asks, earning a shrug from Zayn as he grabs himself a mug from the cupboard by the sink.

"I'll think about it."

"Your dad called."

"Good for him." Zayn says, a bitter tone to his voice as he pours some coffee into his mug. He didn't really seem to care about the fact his father had called.

"He's worried about you..." Robbie still tries to get some sort of reaction from Zayn, looking at Zayn as his shoulders tensed.

"I find that hard to believe. If he was so worried he'd tell me where he sent Louis this time." Zayn says bitterly, his voice cracking when he says his name. It still felt like yesterday and it still hurt like hell to say his name.

"He's trying to help, Zayn." Robbie says, earning a scoff from Zayn. Zayn doesn't want to talk about this anymore, taking his mug in both his hands before walking to the kitchen doorway. He turns to look at Robbie for a moment, not even phased by the fact that he thought he was Louis for just one moment.

It might have been two months since Louis broke his heart.

But it still felt like yesterday.









Connie xx

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