twenty-nine: cupcakes and pictures

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twenty-nine: cupcakes and pictures 

"Daddy, look what I do!" Nathan yells, running straight to Zayn with a piece of paper in hand. Zayn doesn't really notice Nathan at first, the young man lost in thought as he tries to make sense of everything. 

"That's nice Nathan..." Zayn says quietly, but he doesn't look up from his computer as he continues to just stare at it.

"You no look." Nathan pouts, looking offended as Zayn lets out a sigh. He didn't mean to ignore Nathan, he was just... Zayn wasn't really sure what was going on. Seeing Louis yesterday had really struck a nerve and he was having a really hard time wrapping his head around it. He was angry for the most part, but he was... he was sad too. 

"I'm sorry, let me see it." Zayn says, reaching for the piece of paper that Nathan was holding. Nathan handed it to him with no hesitation before crawling up onto Zayn's lap. Together they looked at the drawing Nathan had made, which really was just a bunch of squiggly lines that varied in color. 

"That's a very nice picture, why don't you go show Robbie so he can put it on the fridge for you?" Zayn says, kissing the top of Nathan's head before letting him off his lap. Nathan didn't leave the room though, looking at Zayn expectantly.

"Daddy come with?" Nathan asks, suddenly shy as he does so. It was a little out of character for Nathan to be shy, he was the louder of the twins while Ethan was the one who was quieter and more cautious. 

"I'm right behind you." Zayn says, earning a nod from Nathan before the little boy practically runs out of the room. Zayn lets out a heavy sigh before closing his laptop and standing up from his desk. He didn't really want to go downstairs, he'd sort of been avoiding Robbie today because well... He didn't want to talk about Louis. Things had been going so well, they were finally moving on with their lives and bam, there's Louis again. It was like he did it on purpose, showing up the second Zayn feels like it's okay to let him ago again. 

He was really growing tired of it. 

"Daddy, look what I make!" Ethan almost yells, practically throwing the cupcake in his hands at Zayn. Zayn smiles softly at Ethan before nodding, kissing the top of his head. 

"That's a very nice cupcake." Zayn says, pretending to go in for a bite which earned a loud squeal from Ethan. He was quick to hide the cupcake from Zayn, giggling a little when Zayn pouts.

"I wanted the cupcake." 

"No, Daddy."  Ethan says, shaking his head when Zayn starts to go for the cupcake again. Robbie has a fond smile on his face as he watches Zayn interact with his sons, it was one of his weak spots where the small family was concerned. 

"Why not?" 

"Cause mine." 

"Well if it's yours then I guess I won't take it. Are you and Robbie having fun?" Zayn asks, his eyes flicking towards Robbie who was still smiling. Ethan nodded excitedly, a smile of his own appearing on his face.

"We make cupcakes." 

"I can see that, are you sure I can't have one?" Zayn asks again, grinning a little when Ethan shakes his head again. Zayn kisses the side of Ethan's head before putting the little boy back down on the ground. He walked over to Robbie, wrapping an arm around his waist as they both watched Ethan and Nathan share what the other had created.

"You alright?" Robbie asks, looking away from the twins for a moment. 

"I'm fine, never been better." Zayn lies, knowing exactly why he wasn't going to tell Robbie the truth. He didn't want to alert Robbie of the fact that Louis was back in town, that was the last thing he needed to deal with right now... He would get around to telling him eventually, but Zayn wasn't planning on talking to Louis anytime soon.

"Are you sure? You've been spacey all day, in fact I'm almost positive this is the first time you've come out of your office since I got here." Robbie points out, earning a soft sigh from Zayn.

"I've just got some things on my mind, nothing you need to worry about. I'll be alright in a few days." Zayn says quietly, earning a small look from Robbie but that seemed to put that part of their conversation to rest for the meantime. 

"Your father called, again." Robbie says after a minute and it was Zayn's turn to give Robbie a look. 

"What did he want this time?" 

"He's very adamant that we attend Liam and Niall's engagement party this weekend. I told him you'd consider it, but that the answer would more than likely be a no." Robbie says honestly, earning a soft sigh from Zayn as he nods. 

"Niall will want us to be there, it's the least we can do right?" Zayn finds himself saying, even though he wasn't exactly that happy about the idea. The last two people Zayn wanted to be around were Yaser and Liam, but he knew that Niall would count on him for support. 

"Then I guess we can let him know we're coming. Are we bringing the boys as well?" 

"Yeah, I'm sure Harry's going to be there too and he's basically the only one we trust with the boys. I'm sure we'll be fine." Zayn says, letting out another sigh before he lets go of Robbie.

"I gotta go finish up some work, come get me when you guys are ready for dinner." 

"Alright, I love you." 

"Yeah, I love you too." 



this chapter was.... it was alright. It was more of a filler than anything haha. 

Dedication goes to maddiehornn

um QOTC: so... how do you guys think the Niam's engagement party is going to go? lol. 




Connie xx 

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