nine: baby bump

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nine: baby bump

"The boys are probably awake..." Louis whispers, his voice a little muffled due to the fact that it was still buried into Zayn's bare chest. They had been laying in bed for the past hour or so, their legs tangled together and Zayn's arms wrapped around Louis.

"Probably... Why don't you go shower, I'll go get them." Zayn says back, slowly letting go of Louis. Louis lets out a soft sigh before sitting up in the bed, grimacing a little at the dull ache in the base of his back.

"Or you could always just shower with me... I'm sure they'll be okay on their own for another hour or so. They usually just talk to each other in the morning." Louis tries, winking at Zayn a little before he finally climbs out of the bed. Zayn chuckles, shaking his head as he too stands up from the bed.

"I would love to, but I have a few things I need to take care. Maybe I'll join you in a few."

"Alright." Louis says, smiling before walking over to Zayn's side of the bed. He steps on the tips of his toes before placing a soft kiss on Zayn's lips.

"Don't take too long..." And with that Louis walked into the bathroom. Zayn couldn't help the goofy grin that found it's way onto his face, he felt as if things were finally starting to work out for him and that was something he didn't think was going to happen for a while. Zayn knew that things with Louis were nowhere close with perfect, he also knew that there was a very large chance that all of this was going to backfire within the next week... but today... today felt great.

And Zayn was more than okay with it.

The sound of the shower starting echoes from the bathroom as Zayn walks over to his closet. He grabs  t-shirt along with a pair of sweat pants before walking out of the room. He went downstairs in search of his cell phone, knowing that he needed to call into the office. He may be part owner of the company, but he still had to let them know he wasn't coming in. He didn't take long to call, mainly due to the fact that he was more than ready to go climb into that shower with Louis. Zayn finishes his phone call, the smile still bright on his face as he walks back up the stairs. He pulls his shirt off as he walks back into his room, tossing it down onto the ground before slipping his sweats off as well. Louis lets out a little surprised squeak when Zayn finally gets in, earning a quiet chuckle from the older as he wraps his arms around Louis.

"Mind if I join?" Zayn says quietly, leaning closer to Louis' ear and earning an involuntary shiver from the smaller boy. Louis always loved and hated the way Zayn made him feel... right now he loved it a little more than he hated it.

"Well I was the one who invited you in the first place." Louis says, shaking his head a little before moving out of Zayn's embrace. He has to step up on the tips of his toes to kiss Zayn, reaching for the shampoo behind the older's head. Zayn's grin fades a little when Louis turns to the side, mainly due to the fact the younger seemed to be sporting a baby bump. Zayn wanted to ask Louis about it... But he didn't want to ruin their morning.

"You should just take a picture, it'll last longer." Louis says quietly, pouring some shampoo into the palm of his hand as he does so. Louis refuses to look at Zayn, he knew why the older had been staring and well... Louis didn't really want to talk about it either. For just one day, he wanted things to be like this. Just Zayn and him with the boys, no more arguments.


"Don't be, I know I'm a sight to behold." Louis tries to tease but his voice didn't really hold that teasing tone to it. Louis was starting to feel a little panicked again, but he knew better than to freak out. He was not going to freak out today.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." Zayn says back, smiling softly but it didn't quite reach his eyes. Louis could practically see the question Zayn wanted to ask just by the expression on the older's face. Louis sighs, looking at Zayn as he puts the shampoo back where he found it.

"Why don't you just go ahead and ask?" Louis says, his voice now holding a somewhat bitter tone to it.

"Because last time I did you reacted badly and I don't exactly feel like arguing today. If you want me to ask, then I will but you can't get angry at me if I do."

"Understandable... It's just not something I exactly want to talk about right now." Louis whispers, looking away from Zayn yet again with a sad expression on his face.

"Can I ask you why?"

"Because it's just something I don't want to talk about yet. It's not exactly the easiest of things for me to say."

"You had no problem telling me the first time."

"Yeah, but you did." Louis says immediately regretting it when Zayn shakes his head. Zayn didn't say anything in reply, instead he got out of the shower, completely ignoring Louis when he started to apologize.

Zayn didn't want to hear it.


Well damn.

I don't even know tbh.

Just go with it right?

I can't think of a question tonight haha.




Connie xx

Perfect (sequel to Style)(zouis mpreg)(book two)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora