eight: thunderstorms

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eight: thunderstorms

Louis couldn't sleep. No matter how hard he tried, every time he closed his eyes something just made him open them right back up. At first he blamed it on the fact that he wasn't in his own bed, but Louis knew that wasn't true. Right now he was blaming the storm outside, the howling wind rattling the window and the flashes of lightning illuminating the room. Louis didn't mind the lightning, it was the thunder that bothered him. It was loud, making Louis' heart race every time it echoed. Normally Louis would just hide underneath the covers, cover his ears with either the pillows or his hands. For whatever reason though, Louis didn't hide underneath the covers. He stood up out of the bed, cringing a little at how cold the floor was against his feet. He slowly walked out of the room he was staying in, walking a little ways down the hall and stopping in front of the door that belonged to Zayn's room. Louis hesitates, biting his bottom lip softly before he opens the door. Zayn was fast asleep when Louis walks into the room. Louis once again hesitates, wondering what the hell he was doing. Zayn wasn't going to help him sleep... Zayn hated him.

Zayn had every right to.

A sudden sound of thunder echoed through the room, earning a somewhat loud yelp from Louis. Louis didn't hesitate when he jumped into Zayn's bed, curling into the older's cheat and clinging onto his shirt for dear life. Zayn woke up with a start, pulling away from Louis in shock.

"Louis? What the f uck?" Zayn's voice was still thick with sleep, the older boy sitting up a little and staring at Louis in complete disbelief. His confusion slowly fades into concern though when he notices that Louis is shaking, still holding onto Zayn for dear life. Zayn doesn't say anything about it, slowly wrapping both his arms around Louis and letting the younger boy lay on his chest. Zayn wasn't sure why he was doing this, mainly due to the fact that he should be pushing Louis out of his bed.

But he doesn't.


When the two boys wake up the next morning, the storm was still going strong. Louis was still clutching onto Zayn like he was a lifeline and Zayn... Well Zayn continued to let him. Even if everything was shit between them, Zayn had missed this. He had missed waking up with Louis by his side...

Louis wakes up just a few minutes after Zayn, slowly opening his eyes and silently cursing when he realizes that he's laying on top of Zayn. Louis starts to climb out of the bed, but Zayn tightened his hold on the younger.

"Don't." Zayn says quietly, and that was when Louis realized that Zayn was awake. Louis bites his bottom lip for a second before nodding... Even if his brain was screaming at him not to stay in Zayn's bed. Louis practically buries his face into Zayn's chest and Zayn finds himself running his fingers down Louis' arm. They lay like that for a minute or two before Louis breaks the silence that fell between them.

"This was why I left..." Louis whispers and Zayn stops what he's doing.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asks, his voice matching the same volume as Louis'.

"This right here... Waking up next to you... I left because it felt... It felt right. I felt like I belonged here, next to you and with you... But it terrified me because I was letting you in again, I was giving you the chance to hurt me and I... I didn't want that, so I left. I left and normally I would say I didn't regret leaving... But I do. I regret leaving you again, and I hate the fact that all I can say to you is how sorry I am that I did." Zayn doesn't know what to say to that, he was a little shocked that Louis had even said what he said. Zayn stares down at Louis, their eyes connecting as Zayn tries to figure out what he's going to say next. Louis takes Zayn's silence as a negative thing, slowly moving away from Zayn yet again. He gets out of the bed before Zayn finally gets his bearings. The older grabs Louis' arm, pulling at it gently before getting out of the bed himself. Louis was a little shocked, especially when Zayn cupped his cheek and leaned in extremely close.

"I am never going to hurt you, Louis. Believe me when I say that... I changed for you, now I think it's time you accept that and change the way you look at me." Zayn's lips were just barely brushing Louis' as he speaks. Louis doesn't get the chance to respond before Zayn finally kisses him, his hands holding both sides of Louis' face. Louis didn't hesitate in kissing Zayn back, finding himself placing his hands onto Zayn's chest. Slowly Zayn lets go of Louis' face, his hands moving down to Louis' hips. Louis lets out a soft gasp when Zayn pulled him impossibly close. The two of them paid no mind to what was going on around them as they both fell back down onto the bed.

Maybe this was all just one big mistake...

But it was one they both loved to make.


once again, I don't know what I'm doing. I literally pulled this chapter out of thin air and it went the complete opposite of the way I wanted to.

I mean, they were gonna sleep together anyways.... It was just under a different circumstance lol

Sadly I'm on my phone so I can't dedicate this chapter :P

QOTC: do you guys think Louis is going to finally accept the fact Zayn has changed?




Connie xx

Perfect (sequel to Style)(zouis mpreg)(book two)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang