thirteen: family feud

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thirteen: family feud

"We should probably go back inside... I'm not sure the twins are going to behave themselves without one of us in there..." Louis says after a while of the two of them just standing on the back porch. They hadn't really said much to each other, both of them staying quiet. Louis wasn't really sure how he was supposed to react to what Zayn had said, normally he would promise that he'd never leave again... but Louis didn't know if he could promise that. He knew that he was being unfair to Zayn by not trusting the other boy enough to stay... but Louis was so goddamn scared of Zayn too. Zayn had every right to hurt Louis back.

"I'm sure Liam has it handled. He needs the practice."

"I don't think the twins are good practice... They can get a little rowdy."

"You can go back inside, I'm staying out here."

"Why?" Louis asks, looking at Zayn sadly as the other boy lets out a long sigh. Zayn leans against the railing, his elbow propping him up a little as he looks over at Louis.

"Do I really need a reason?"

"They're your family." Louis points out, earning a quiet snort from Zayn. Zayn takes a deep breath before closing his, trying his hardest not to get angry. Today just wasn't a good day for Zayn.

"They're not my family. The only people in that room that's family to me are the twins." Zayn says quietly, keeping his eyes shut for a moment. Louis doesn't know what to say to that, so instead he just looks at Zayn sadly. Louis understood that he was probably never going to understand why Zayn's relationship with his father was the way it was... he assumed that it had something to do with Zayn's mother but Zayn completely refused to talk about her, not that Louis blamed him. Louis still couldn't talk about his father without getting angry about it and it had been nearly 15 years.

"Then why don't we just grab the boys and leave? If there's no point in us being here." Louis offers and Zayn finally opens his eyes again. The older let out another sigh before nodding, running a hand through his hair as he does this. Together the two of them walked back to the table. Everyone else was finished by the time they walked into the room. Liam was trying to make Ethan smile, pulling silly faces at the quiet baby while Niall tried to do the same with Nathan. Louis tries not to coo at them, mainly due to the fact that Louis knew it took a lot more than silly faces to make his sons laugh. Zayn doesn't even bother to say anything before getting Ethan out of his highchair. Liam looked a little surprise, a confused look crossing his face as Zayn walks over to do the same with Nathan.

"And where do you think   you guys are going?" Yaser asks as he clears his throat, looking at Louis for the answer. Louis is once again unsure of what to say, he didn't want to offend Yaser or anything. He may have lost some respect for the man, but he'd still helped Louis a lot over the years.

"I'm taking my family home." Zayn is the one who answers, handing Nathan over to Louis once he got him out of the high chair. Louis takes his son with no hesitation, but he watches Zayn a little wearily as if he was nervous Zayn might do something rash. Yaser quirks an eyebrow, standing up from the table with a frown on his face.

"That's a bit rude don't you think? Considering that I invited you over so we could all spend time as a family. Isn't that what a good father is suppose to do? Spend time with his children?" Yaser says, a small smirk finding its way into his face and Zayn takes a deep breath as he continues to glare at his father. Zayn could say a lot of things right about now and majority of them weren't appropriate enough to he said in front of his sons. He knew Yaser was just trying to get underneath his skin, but Zayn still couldn't help the fact it was working.

"I could honestly care less if it's rude or not. I'm taking my sons home and if you have a problem with that, well then I guess you can go f uck yourself." Zayn says, even if it wasn't exactly appropriate to say that in front of the boys. Zayn doesn't wait for Yaser to reply before he grabs Louis' hand and practically drags the younger boy out of the house. Even when the door shut behind them, Zayn was still dragging Louis to the car. It didn't take long for Zayn to load the boys up into the car and it didn't take long for them to leave the house. It wasn't until the house was well out of sight that Louis finally got the courage to speak.

"Zayn, are you alright?" Louis asks, his voice timid as he speaks. Zayn doesn't reply for a moment, his hands gripping the steering wheel, making his knuckles turn white.

"I hate him." Zayn says, not taking his eyes off the road. Louis doesn't know what to say to that, falling silent as Zayn continues to drive.


don't know

don't care

shit happens

Anyways. The cover in the multimedia is for the Niam spinoff of this story. It isn't posted yet but I thought I would just let you know that there is one in the works lol.




Connie xx

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