thirty-two: the engagement party part three

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thirty-two: the engagement party part three

"He's lucky there's people around." Harry practically seethes as Liam and Niall both walked away. Louis looks at Harry sadly, biting his bottom lip as he grabs his best friend's arm. 

"Please don't do anything stupid, Harry." 

"The f ucker deserves it. He deserves getting his stupid face punched in." Harry says again, breathing deeply before he shakes Louis off of him. Louis looks at him with wide and terrified eyes, his grip on Quinn getting a little tighter now as Harry starts to walk in the direction that Liam and Niall had just gone. 

"Harry...What are you doing?" Louis asks, reaching out to grab Harry's arm again  

"I'm going to punch his f ucking face in." Harry says and Louis had never seen his best friend this angry before. Louis risks a look towards Liam and Niall, grimacing a little as Liam wraps his arms around Niall's waist and kisses him rather harshly. Louis could see that this didn't just have to do with what had happened between Liam and himself... This had to do with Niall and Harry as well. 

"Harry, don't... He's not worth it." Louis tries, not wanting to cause a scene let alone in a place as crowded as this. 

"Oh trust me, it's worth it to me. Stay here, Louis." Harry says, practically leaving Louis stranded on the edge of the room. Louis doesn't stay there for long though, following after Harry in a last desperate hope to stop him. Louis didn't get there in time though. Harry walks right up to Liam, his hand balling up into a fist. He says Liam's name, the older lad not even realizing what was going on before Harry's fist connected with his left cheek. Niall lets out a scream and all eyes were on Harry and Liam. Louis stands to the side, next to Niall with wide eyes and a tight grip on Quinn. It only takes a moment for Louis to realize just how serious Harry was about teaching Liam a lesson as Harry continues to hit Liam. 

"Harry stop!" Louis shouts, handing Quinn over to Niall before reaching down to grab Harry off of Liam. Someone grabbed Louis first though, pulling him away from Harry and Liam before he got the chance to be of much help. Louis fights against whoever it was that grabbed him, trying his hardest to help Harry before he got himself seriously hurt. 

"Let me go." Louis shouts, only to realize that he wasn't in the crowded room anymore and the person who grabbed him was Zayn. 

"Are you f ucking crazy, Lou?" Zayn practically shouts back, looking at him like he'd lost his mind.

"He's going to get himself hurt, why the f uck didn't you let me help him?" Louis yells, trying to push past Zayn to go help Harry but Zayn wasn't going to budge. 

"You're just going to end up getting yourself hurt in the process, Louis." 

"You don't understand, this is my fault. He's doing this because of me." Louis says, a little calmer now but he's still trying to push past Zayn. Zayn wasn't having any of it though, grabbing both of Louis' arms and shaking the rather upset boy. 

"Louis, you need to calm down." Zayn tries to say, a little worried about Louis. He'd honestly never seen Louis in this state before.  

"I won't calm down. Not when my best friend is going to get himself killed. This is my fault." 

"How is that your fault? Harry's been sleeping with Niall for a year now, last I checked you had nothing to do with that." Zayn points out and Louis lets out a small cry before he starts crying. He's still frustrated, pushing at Zayn but he still wouldn't f ucking move. 

"He's doing this because Liam raped me, I have to stop him." Louis finally says, his hands balled up into fists as he weakly hits at Zayn's chest. Zayn's grip on Louis instantly slacks, Zayn's hands falling to his side as he stares at Louis with his mouth wide open. Louis doesn't wait for Zayn to say anything, pushing past him and practically running back into the room. The fight had been broken up for the most part, Harry and Liam being held apart by different people. 

"What the hell is your problem?" Liam asks, his voice a little muffled because his hand covering his nose which was bleeding rather badly. Zayn comes back into the room at that point, standing behind Louis as he looks at Liam.

"Oh like you don't f ucking know." Harry says back, trying to get out of the persons grip but they held on tighter. 

"You're crazy." 

"You  raped my best friend you piece of shit." Harry shouts out and once again the room goes silent. The only thing that broke the silence was the scoff that Liam let out, shaking off the person who was holding him back.

"Is that what he told you? It was anything but rape." Liam says, putting his hands into his pockets as he takes a step towards Harry. Harry starts to fight a little harder against the people who are holding him back, but they just keep holding on tighter. No one really saw it coming, not even Louis himself as he walked right up to Liam and kneed him in the crotch. Liam doubles over, practically falling over to his knees as Louis stands above him.

"Go to f ucking hell." 


and that ladies and gentlemen is shit going down.

You're welcome.

I think. 

Dedication goes to sonnileeann

QOTC: so... Zayn knows and so does Niall... How do you guys feel about that?




Connie xx

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