twenty-one: year one

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AN: So basically this is the same kind of deal like in Style where I skip forward a year or two. I'll be writing a small snippet from each month so it doesn't feel like you're missing a shit ton of stuff... but don't get mad that I'm jumping forward, it's what I have planned for this story and yeah. So this is year one.

twenty-one: year one


"Oh don't look at me like that." Liam grumbled as Louis and him walked to the train station, Louis' bag in his hand as Louis glares at Liam.

"I can look at you any way I see fit. You're a real asshole, you know that right?" Louis says, bitterness in his voice that was literally dripping as he speaks. Liam isn't phased by it though, rolling his eyes before handing Louis his bag.

"I'm not the one who's running away."

"You didn't exactly give me a choice."

"You could've told him." Liam says and that shuts Louis right up. Louis continues to glare at Liam though, silently wishing that the older boy would just burst into flames already. He couldn't believe that this man had once been one of his closest friends... The Liam he knew and loved wasn't the one standing in front of him... that Liam had been gone for a long time now.

"I'm sorry, Lou." Liam whispers as they reach Louis' train.

"I hope you rot in hell."



"Nathan, don't do that." Zayn says quietly, reaching down to pick up the toddler who was starting to climb up the chair. He was trying his hardest not to have an emotional break down, but the past month without Louis had been beyond hard. He was having a hard time keeping track of both the boys, and even when he felt like he had everything under control, one of the boys was doing something they weren't supposed to. Zayn was at his wits end, feeling overwhelmed and he honestly just felt like running away at this point. He didn't get how Louis was able to do it on his own... He didn't get why Louis left him on his own either.

Zayn needed Louis.

But Louis wasn't there.



"How are they?" Louis asks quietly as he sits in the waiting room of the hospital. Harry was on the other end of the phone, having called Louis to check in on things. Louis had recently started to contact Zayn again, only to talk to the boys though. Louis missed the twins more than anything, but he had to keep reminding himself that it was better for them to be with Zayn. Zayn would be a better parent to them...

"They're fine, they miss you. We all miss you, Lou." Harry says honestly, slinging his bag over his shoulder as he got ready to leave the house. Harry had been helping Zayn with the boys for the past month or so.

"I miss them too... Tell them I love them okay? I'll call them sometime this week when I find the chance."

"You should just come back, Louis."

"I can't do that... I gotta go, Harry. I'll talk to you later." Louis says, hanging up the phone before Harry had the chance to say anything else. Liam sighs, flipping through the magazine before looking over to Louis. Louis didn't talk to him though, not even when they were called back to see Louis' doctor. Louis only talked to the doctor as she asked him the same questions as his last appointment. "How's the morning sickness?" "Have you been eating right?" "Are you taking your prenatal vitamins?"

Louis answered them all and it wasn't long before he found himself laying on his back as she looked at his baby. Liam wasn't even paying attention, typing away on his phone. Louis hadn't even invited him, the older lad had just shown up.

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