twenty-eight: the reason

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twenty-eight: the reason

"You son of a bitch." Harry says, more to himself than to Louis. He was looking at Louis in complete and utter shock, unable to really comprehend what he just said to him.

"It wasn't supposed to happen, I had just stopped by Zayn's work to grab his paper work for him so that he could spend the day with the boys... And Liam was there and he was angry. He was throwing things around his office, I could hear him screaming while I was in Zayn's office... I had never seen him that angry before." Louis whispers, letting out a shaky breath as he suddenly starts to find it hard to speak. Louis wraps his arms around himself, burying his face into them as he takes a deep breath. Harry notices how Louis folds in on himself, almost cowering into himself as if that was how he could protect himself.

"What did he do?" Harry finds himself asking, reaching out to touch Louis' arm. He noticed how Louis flinched and Harry was starting to understand.

"I loved Zayn, I was ready to be with him... To be happy together but then... Liam... Liam he uh... He..." Louis' voice cracks, his mouth feeling numb and all he wanted to do was disappear again. He couldn't breathe, his hands starting to shake as he once again buries his face into his arms. 

"What did he do, Louis? What did Liam do?" Harry asks again, needing to know what it was that Louis was going through. 

"I loved Zayn. I loved him and Liam didn't like it. He didn't like the fact that I chose Zayn over him when Liam wasn't even an option in the first place. He got so angry, Harry... He hurt me." Louis finally manages to get out, refusing to look at Harry as he takes deep breaths to keep his heart from beating unbelievably fast. 

"Did he..." Harry trails off, looking for some sort of reaction from Louis as he asks his question. Louis couldn't bring himself to say it, only being able to nod before he finally breaks down into tears. Harry just stares at him for a moment, unable to really get what the hell was going on. When it finally clicked in his head, Harry was angry... but most of all he was worried about Louis. It made sense to him, in a way as to why Louis was able to leave. 

"Does... Does Zayn know?" Harry finds himself asking, earning a scoff from Louis as the other boy shakes his head. 

"He would understand, Louis." 

"No he wouldn't. He'd think I was disgusting, probably tell me that I was asking for it. I don't... I don't want him to know, Harry. He can't know." 


"No. It's already hard enough with just Liam and you knowing. I don't need to drag him into this either." Louis says, his voice stern as he looks at Harry.

"Is that why you left again? Liam threatened to tell Zayn, didn't he?" 

"He did... and it was right after Zayn told me everything. His father... He treated Zayn like shit, Harry. He treated him like he was nothing for years and then all of the sudden Liam came along and Yaser treated him like he was his world. I thought Yaser was one of the good guys, I thought he understood... but he was just trying to get me out of the way." Louis whispers again, his voice raw as he looks down at his hands. 

"He wanted Zayn to marry you." 

"He didn't think I would agree. He was waiting for me to get fed up with Zayn... that's why he helped me leave the first time. Zayn wasn't supposed to find me, he was supposed to give up but he didn't. He didn't ever give up and I did. I gave up on him, Harry. I gave up on us, I gave up on my family because I couldn't live with what happened. The week before I left, I finally told Zayn that I loved him. He'd been telling me for weeks and it took me that long to be able to say it back to him... and I still had the audacity to look him in the eyes a week later and tell him it was all a lie cause I was a coward. I couldn't... I couldn't tell him and now I have to live with the fact that he can't even look at me. He hates me and he has every right to because I hate me too." 

"Louis..." Harry starts, not really sure as to what he was supposed to say to that. Harry hadn't expected Louis to actually tell him what happened... but in a way he was glad he did. 

"I hurt him, I hurt my boys, I hurt everyone around me." 

"What happened with Liam wasn't your fault, Louis..." Harry says, trying to be reassuring but he knew that it wasn't going to be much help. He could tell just by looking at Louis that he'd spent the past year and a half blaming himself for everything... and Harry felt bad for him. 

"It doesn't matter if it was or wasn't my fault, what matters is the fact that I still let him get to me. I could've stayed.... but for whatever f ucking reason I can't and I'm sick of it. I'm sick of my life falling apart at my feet... I want my life back, but I don't think it wants me." 



This chapter was meh.

Dedication goes to perfictlouis

QOTC: so... how do you guys feel about Louis? 




Connie xx 

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