two: a bottle of whiskey

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two: a bottle of whiskey

When Zayn gets home later that day, he was beyond frustrated. He slammed the front door behind him, the sound echoing through the empty house. He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs, pull at his hair and let all of his frustrations out. He was so f ucking done with everything right now, he couldn't even think. Zayn lets out a rather long sigh before walking into his office where he kept all the liquor. He needed something to help clear his mind, something to get that conversation with Louis off his mind.

Really, he just wanted to forget all about Louis.

Zayn doesn't even bother finding a glass, just grabbing the bottle of whiskey off his desk. He spun off the cap before tilting the bottle back and taking a rather large drink.

"You really shouldn't drink straight out of the bottle like that, germs and what not." Zayn jumps at his father's voice, turning to find the older man sitting in the chair by the fire place. He had a glass of what Zayn assumed was scotch in his hand, a sly smile on his face as he looks at his son.

"And you really shouldn't be in my house, assholes and what not." Zayn says, glaring at his father as he takes another drink from the bottle. Yaser lets out a sigh, placing his glass onto the end table as he stands up from his seat.

"When are you going to forgive me? It's been two months, Zayn." 

"I'm never going to forgive you, not until you tell me where he is." 

"I already told you I don't know." 

"And I know you're lying." Zayn says through gritted teeth, trying not to yell as he knew how well that would go. He knew better than to yell at his father, but his father was making it very difficult not to. 

"I'm not lying. Give me one good reason why I would?" Yaser's voice is soft as he speaks, almost pleading as he looks at Zayn with sad eyes. It only made Zayn angrier, he knew better. He knew his father like the back of his hand, Yaser always lied to get what he wanted. 

"You told him to leave. You told him that I hadn't changed, that I was still an immature kid who didn't want anything to do with him or my boys. You told him some stupid ass lie to get him out of the picture, which I don't get. I thought you wanted him to be a part of our family, for god sake you nearly forced me to marry him." 

"It doesn't matter what I told him, what matters is the fact that you blame me for something you did to yourself." 

"I wanted to be with my family, I want to be a father to my sons. I just wanted a f ucking chance, yet everyone seems to be against it. You're supposed to be on my side, you're supposed to support me... and you stabbed me in the back. You sent him away." 

"You don't want the responsibility of a family, Zayn. I know you, you aren't ready for that kind of thing and Louis knew that too. He came to me, Zayn. Not the other way around... He didn't want the past to repeat itself, not with three children involved." Yaser says, letting out a long sigh before shaking his head. Zayn stares at his father with wide eyes, the anger suddenly disappearing for just a moment. He felt sad, he felt betrayed... but most of all he just felt lost. Did Louis leave just because he found out he was pregnant?

"Three? What do you mean by three?" Zayn whispers, his throat dry and he swore he could hear his own heartbeat. Yaser opens his mouth, almost as if he was going to say something else but the old man doesn't. He just shakes his head before walking over to his son, clapping him on the shoulder and leaving without another word. Zayn stands frozen in his office, finding it very hard not to breathe. It takes him a moment before it registers in his mind that Yaser was no longer standing in the office, and the young man quickly ran towards the front door. Yaser was pulling on his coat, his hand on the doorknob when Zayn finally came into view.

"You... You can't just leave like that. You can't f ucking drop a bombshell like that and leave." Zayn practically yells, staring at his father in disbelief as Yaser refuses to look at him.

"I don't have anything else to say to you." Yaser says, opening the door as he still refused to even look at Zayn. Zayn didn't get it, he didn't get why everyone seemed to think that he couldn't change... That he was never going to change. He had changed, he changed when Louis left the first time... and he changed again when he left the second time. He was so sick of people leaving and here his father was, getting ready to leave. 

"Tell me where he is." Zayn says yet again, his voice holding a desperate tone to it. Yaser doesn't tell him though and instead walks down the front steps and to his car, leaving Zayn staring after him. 

It seemed to be a thing now, people leaving Zayn. 

It was getting f ucking ridiculous. 



I don't know lol.

Poor Zayn

Dedication goes to niallersgirl139

QOTC: what do you think is the real reason Yaser won't tell Zayn where Louis is?




Connie xx 

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