five: the smack down

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five: the smack down

"Louis, will you f ucking stop walking away from me." Zayn says quickly, grabbing Louis' hand for what already felt like the millionth time that day. Louis takes in a deep breath before turning to look at Zayn.

"Just leave me alone Zayn. I don't want to talk to you right now." Louis says, glaring at Zayn as the other boy scoffs.

"Well too bad, we're going to talk. We're going to talk about the fact that you left and you're going to tell me why you did. You're going to f ucking talk to me."

"You can't make me talk to you, Zayn."

"Like hell I can't. I deserve to know what I did wrong, I deserve to know why you f ucking left me and took my kids away."

"Why do you even care, Zayn? For god sake you didn't give a rats ass about me or the boys until you found us again. Why are you suddenly so upset about the fact that I left? The old you probably would've thrown a f ucking party to rejoice!" Louis nearly yells and it takes Zayn aback. He stares at Louis, opening and closing his mouth as he tries to think of what to say next. Louis beats him to it though, scoffing a little before crossing his arms over his chest.

"You didn't change, Zayn. You keep telling everyone you did, but I know you better than that... You never changed." Zayn continues to stare at Louis, trying his hardest not to blow up on him. Louis' words hurt, cutting him deep like knives and he didn't get why it was so hard for everyone to believe that he wasn't the same person anymore.

"And you're not listening. You never f ucking listen. I told you that I loved you, I told you that I wanted a f ucking chance and all you did was run. You always f ucking run, Louis. I changed, I changed for you and for my sons because I didn't want to feel empty anymore. I didn't want to feel like everything was my fault. I wanted to move on and be with you... and... And I thought that you wanted to be with me too." Zayn doesn't care if he sounded desperate, he doesn't care if he didn't make sense. He just wanted Louis to actually listen to him...

But he seemed to have forgotten that Louis was stubborn.

"Oh for Christ sake Zayn, you were in a committed relationship when you found me. You didn't want to be with me, you already had someone and then you went and f ucked it up just like you f ucked up with me. You sit there and claim you're the victim, you talk with your pretty words and make me feel like you actually care and that you actually want a chance... You used me, don't act like you didn't because I know better. So please, just do me a favor and stop pretending like you actually meant it when you said you loved me... You don't mean it." Louis says quietly, shaking his head a little as he finishes. He is having a hard time ignoring the tight pain in his chest as he says these things though, mainly due to the fact he knew half of it wasn't true.

"Are you even hearing yourself right now? You're just making up excuses. I love you, Louis. I honestly don't get why that's so f ucking hard for you to understand. I never used you, if anyone was being used it was me."

"Stop acting like you're the victim."

"Oh f ucking stop flattering yourself, Louis. I don't know what I did to make you leave, I don't know why you hate me or why the f uck you seem to think I used you. I never said I was the victim, I know I made mistakes but that was two years ago. Two f ucking years and you're still hung up on it. You keep acting like I'm the one who left." Zayn's voice is barely over a whisper, the older boy feeling more vulnerable than ever.

"You're the reason why I left. Two years ago, I left because you didn't really give me much of a choice. You didn't want your family... So why do you expect me to believe that you want them now?" Louis whispers and Zayn once again is left speechless. Neither of the boys get the chance to speak again before Harry interrupted them.

"The boys are in the car, Zayn... I need your keys Lou to get their bags..." Harry says quietly, knowing that he interrupted something but he also knew that things weren't going to fix with just one conversation. Louis and Zayn were two very stubborn people who really only saw their own side.

"Yeah... Let me help you." Louis whispers before following Harry to the car. Zayn lets out a long sigh, running his hand through his hair before walking over to Harry's car. He could hear the twins talking in the backseat, but he couldn't bring himself to talk to them just yet.

He knew they'd just stare at him.

Like he was some stranger.

He knew that he'd have to listen to Nathan call Harry "da" for nearly the whole ride, and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Because Louis was right about one thing... It was his fault that his kids didn't know him.


I don't even know tbh

It just happened bro.

Anyways I'm on my phone so I can't do a dedication for this chapter. I apologiiiiiize

But I will do a question so...

QOTC: why do you guys think Louis believes Zayn hasn't changed? Has Zayn really actually changed?




Connie xx

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