thirty: the engagement party part 1

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thirty: the engagement party part 1

"Daddy, where we go?" Nathan asks in the backseat, kicking his feet back and forth as he waits for Zayn's answer. The small family was on their way to Zayn's father's home where the engagement party was being held. 

"We're going to see Uncle Niall and Uncle Harry." Zayn answers him after a moment, turning onto his father's street. No one really said anything else until they finally arrived. There were already several cars outside and Zayn was already dreading his decision to come. Robbie grabs his hand though, giving it a reassuring squeeze before he got out of the car. Zayn takes a moment to get out himself, letting out a long sigh and running a hand through his hair. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was a huge mistake, that the second he walked into that house he was going to regret it. Robbie knocks on the window when Zayn still doesn't get out, making the older of the two jump a little before he finally does get out. Together, the four of them walked up the steps to the front door. Zayn doesn't even bother to knock as this was a party, so he didn't really see the point. 

Zayn lets out another sigh as they walk into the main room where everyone was gathering, tightening his grip on Nathan and Ethan's hands so they wouldn't run off. The room was already packed with people it seemed and the last thing Zayn needed was for the boys to get lost in the crowd.  Zayn smiles softly at the occasional person who he recognized, but he felt so out of place in the large area. This had once upon a time been his home and now he felt like a stranger. 

"Zayn, I'm so glad you made it!" Niall is the first person to actually greet Zayn, hugging the older man awkwardly as he was holding his son in the other arm. Easton waved, recognizing Zayn almost instantly. Niall spent a lot of time over at Zayn's, especially when Harry was over. 

"I'm glad to be here... Congratulations on the engagement Niall." Zayn says quietly, giving Niall a tight smile. Niall returns it, but it fades into a pure look of confusion as he looks behind Zayn and sees someone he hadn't seen for quite some time.

"I hate to cut our conversation so short, but Louis just showed up." Niall says quick, walking away. Zayn's heart seems to pick up just a little. His grip on the twins gets a little tighter and he sneaks a quick look over at Robbie who was looking around the room with a scowl on his face. 

"C'mon boys, let's go say hi to Uncle Harry..." Zayn says, noticing Harry just at the edge of the crowd. Robbie is still scowling as they walk over to Harry, grabbing Zayn's arm as soon as they did.

"Can I talk to you? Alone?" Robbie asks, earning a small nod from Zayn. They leave the boys alone with Harry before walking out into the hallway. Robbie folds his arms over his chest as he gives Zayn an expectant look. 

"What do you want to talk about?" Zayn asks, feeling vulnerable all of the sudden. Robbie scoffs, quirking an eyebrow at Zayn as he shakes his head.

"How long has he been back?" 


"Zayn, I am not going to play this game. How long has Louis been back and how long have you known?" Robbie asks, almost rolling his eyes when Zayn flinched. Robbie was too angry at Zayn right now to feel bad for him. Zayn runs a hand through his hair, biting his bottom lip as he thinks about his answer.  

"I don't know how long he's been here and I've only known for a few days. He was at Harry's when I went to go get the boys on Monday." Zayn says honestly, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"And you didn't think to tell me? Zayn, we talked about this." 

"I didn't think it was important, alright? He was just there and I didn't even talk to him. I just got the boys and left, and I figured that was that. He was probably just there for Harry, he wouldn't even look at me." Zayn says, his voice bitter as he looks towards where they'd just been. 

"You should've told me he was back." Robbie points out, earning another sigh from Zayn before he shakes his head.

"And what? What would you do? He's back, I don't see why that's such a big deal right now. You and I are engaged, he's my past and you are my future. I'm not going to ruin what we have because of him again, I promised you I wouldn't and I'm going to keep that promise." Zayn says as reassuringly as he could. He was determined to keep his promise, but Robbie didn't seem to think that he was going to.

"You can't blame me for being cautious." Robbie says after a moment, an apologetic look crossing his face. Zayn smiles softly at him before grabbing his hand and pulling him a little closer to him. 

"I love you, not him." Zayn whispers, wrapping his arms around Robbie's waist. 

"I love you too, I'm sorry." 

"I'm sorry too, but we're going to be okay. He's not going to get in my head, I'm not going to let him." 



This chapter didn't go as I was planned, but oh well.

The engagement party will be in like three parts lol.

Dedication goes to romanriverrose

QOTC: how did you guys feel about Robbie's reaction to finding out about Louis being back? (lame question but I can't think of any others lol)




Connie xx 

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