twenty-five: home

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twenty-five: home

"Play hide and seek?" Ethan asks, looking up at Harry with wide eyes and a grin on his face as Harry lets out a quiet chuckle. Nathan stood next to Ethan, the exact same expression on his face as his brothers as he waits for Harry to agree.

"Alright. I'll start counting." Harry says, putting his hands over his eyes before slowly starting to count. Both twins went running off in different directions, Ethan going to the bathroom while Nathan goes to the bedroom. Harry continues to count, only stopping when the doorbell rings. Harry sighs softly, stopping his counting before walking over to the door.

"Louis?" Harry was more than a little shocked to see his best friend standing in his doorway, along with a baby fast asleep in his arms.

"Hey... Can I come in?" Louis asks, feeling a little awkward just standing there in the doorway. He shifts his weight as he continues to stand there, adjusting his grip on Quinn who was slowly starting to wake up. It had been a long car ride and the little girl had fallen asleep just as soon as Louis had pulled out of their driveway.

"I... I guess..." Harry says, looking back into his apartment nervously. The twins were still hiding and as far as he knew they would stay like that until he came looking for them. He wasn't sure how they were going to react to Louis being here or how Louis was going to react to them. It had been well over a year since either had seen each other in person. Louis smiles softly at Harry before walking into his apartment. Louis smile grew a little sadder though at how familiar and at home Harry's apartment felt. Not much had changed, there were more pictures on the wall than Louis remembered and he instantly recognized a picture of the twins.

"They've gotten so big..." Louis says quietly, looking at the picture before touching it softly. It had been a few months since Louis had last talked to the boys, he couldn't bring himself to call anymore and he hated himself for it. He was doing exactly what his father did to him, something Louis had told himself he'd never do...

"What are you doing here Louis?" Harry asks, looking warily in the direction the twins had gone running off to.

"Am I not allowed to stop by and say hi?"

"It's been a year. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see you but you could've called or something." Harry says quietly, not wanting to let the twins know that there was someone there. The twins loved meeting new people and he just really didn't want to deal with Zayn when he found out Louis had come back and the twins had seen him.

"Well it was a spur of the moment decision. If you didn't want to see me, you could've just said." Louis huffs, feeling somewhat offended as Harry lets out a sigh.

"I'm glad to see you, Lou. It's just right now isn't a good time."

"You still could've told me to leave."

"Louis, stop it. I just asked you what you were doing here."

"And I'm telling you, I wanted to see you and I'm sorry that it's caused this huge inconvenience for you. I'll leave you be now." Louis says, his voice bitter as he glares at Harry. Harry lets out another sigh, running a hand through his hair before shaking his head.

"I didn't say that and don't you dare say that I implied it. Jesus Louis, you haven't even been here for five minutes and you're already starting shit."

"I am not starting shit." Louis says earning a look from Harry as he scoffs a little.

"Yeah you are. Louis, we've been friends since we were twelve, I know when you're trying to start shit. So tell me why you're really here and don't tell me it's just because you wanted to say hi." Harry says, folding his arms over his chest as he looks at Louis expectantly. Louis sighs, adjusting Quinn in his arms as he bites down on his bottom lip.

"I just... I figured it was time I come back. I miss my boys, I miss my best friend..." Louis says quietly, looking at the picture of the twins again sadly. Harry gets ready to say something back but there was a small voice that interrupted him.

"You no find me." Ethan says sadly, looking up at Harry with big blue eyes.

"That's because you were so good at hiding." Harry says, bending down to Ethan's level as he ruffles his hair. Ethan smiles at him before kissing Harry's cheek. Harry looks up at Louis who appeared to be completely frozen. His gaze was focused on Ethan, his heart racing and his breathing seeming to be a little more difficult. There was no way this was his son... He was too big to be his little boy.

Quinn lets out a small shriek, breaking the small silence that had fallen over the room. Ethan turns towards the noise, a confused look crossing his face before one of pure shock replaced it.

"Mummy?" Ethan asks and Louis feels the sudden urge to start crying.

"Hi baby..." Louis says back and Ethan took that as his cue to run over to Louis. He wraps his arms around Louis' legs, burying his face into them as he holds on as tight as he could.

He wasn't going to let go anytime soon.


Kay. Ethan is so cute.

I cry.

QOTC: so... Louis is back. How do you guys feel about it?




Connie xx

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