three: the lawyer

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three: the lawyer

"Ma." Nathan shrieks as loud as he can when he realizes that Louis wasn't paying attention to him. Louis was trying to get Ethan dressed but the small baby was not happy about it. Ethan had a distressed expression on his face but he didn't cry as Louis helped pull his arm through the sleeve of his shirt. Nathan was pulling at Louis' leg, looking up at him in complete disbelief. Louis lets out a sigh before looking down at his oldest son.

"Just one second Nathan." Louis says quietly, picking Ethan up off the changing table when he was finally done getting him dressed. Nathan was still pulling at Louis' pants, little whimpers coming from the small baby as Louis doesn't pick him up. Louis lets out a sigh, running a hand through his hair before placing Ethan down next to his brother. Nathan still wasn't satisfied though, staring at Louis as he whined.

"I can't hold you right now, baby." Louis whispers, leaning down to kiss the top of Nathan's head. Nathan whines again, pulling at Louis' arm as he pulls away. Louis sighs, knowing that today was going to be one of those days where Nathan just craved attention.

"Ma, no." Nathan practically cries, still staring at Louis in disbelief as Louis is once again not paying attention to him. Louis' phone was going off in the other room and he knew better than to not answer. Louis sighs before walking out of the room, grabbing his phone off the charger and answering it before he even checks the caller ID.

"Hello?" Louis answers, his voice tired. He pinches the bridge of his nose when Nathan lets out another loud cry, which in turn just lead to Ethan getting upset too. Ethan was normally a quiet baby but when his brother got upset he did too.

"Shit, I didn't think you'd actually pick up." Harry says on the other end, completely taken aback. Harry had called Louis constantly over the past two months, only to go straight to voicemail.

"What do you want Harry?" Louis sighs, in no mood to talk to anyone... especially Harry. Sure, Harry was his best friend, but Louis left Harry behind for a reason and he didn't exactly want to listen to Harry get angry with him about it. Louis knew Harry was on Zayn's side, he didn't blame him though... Louis knew what he was doing was wrong, but he didn't know what else to do.

"Where are you?" Harry asks, skipping all the small talk. Harry was never one for small talk when he had something important to say, Louis kinda missed that about Harry.

"Har-" Louis starts, only to be interrupted by Harry.

"Zayn's getting a lawyer." Harry says quickly, taking Louis a little by surprise.


"He's getting a lawyer, he's filing for custody because you took his kids away." Harry is still talking quickly, his voice holding a nervous tone to it. Louis didn't get why he was nervous though, Harry had nothing to hide. Louis was still a little taken aback by what Harry had said though, he hadn't actually thought Zayn would do it... A part of him knew he would eventually, he just didn't think Zayn would have the guts to actually go through with it.


"Just come back, Louis. Stop hiding and come home. Let him actually be in the boys life and stop running. You know he deserves a chance and it's sad that he has to threaten to take the kids away from you in order to get one. Just come home." Harry quietly begs, earning a small sigh from Louis. Louis looks into the twins room with a sad look, knowing full well that Harry was right. He should come back, but a part of him didn't want to. He didn't want to end up in a situation he didn't want to be in...

"Look, I'll come back when I want to come back. Zayn can file for custody if he wants to, I won't stop him. You're right about him deserving a chance to know Nathan and Ethan, but I just... I can't be around him right now. If.... If you promise not to tell him where I am, I can tell you so that you can pick up the boys and take them to him." Louis whispers, looking at the two boys on the floor. Nathan was no longer craving Louis' attention and was instead more focused on the bright colored blocks on the floor. Ethan was more focused with his feet though, trying to eat his toes. Louis can't help but smile fondly at his sons


"I know what I'm doing, Harry. If you'd prefer, I can take the boys to you and that way you don't have to lie to Zayn. I'll call him tonight and let him know what I'm doing." Louis says, running a hand through his hair as he tried to think of the best way to do all of this. He didn't want to cause anymore problems, so if Zayn wanted to see the boys... then Zayn would get to see the boys.

"You shouldn't have to have me take them to him... You should be here."

"Well I'm not, so meet me at the diner tomorrow at noon. I'll let him have the boys for a few days." Louis says, trying not to get angry with Harry but it was lot easier said than done. Louis hangs up on Harry after that, not wanting to talk about it any longer.



I don't know lol

Dedication goes to Payne_preference14

I'm too tired to think of a question haha.




Connie xx

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