ten: one step forward, two steps back

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ten: one step forward, two steps back

"I'm sorry, Zayn, I didn't mean to upset you." Louis tries for the millionth time since they got out of the shower. Zayn had taken the twins out of their room and was currently trying to feed them. Louis had walked downstairs, a guilty feeling in the pit of his stomach. He didn't know why things with Zayn were always this complicated, they had never been easy and Louis was somewhat nervous to find out what the easy things would be like.

"It's whatever." Zayn says back, paying little attention to Louis. Louis understood though, he had hurt Zayn by saying what he said and now he had to deal with the consequences.

"Can we just forget I said it?"

"That's a lot easier said than done, Louis."

"I know, but I really don't want to fight today. It would be nice just for the four of us to be a family for the day... Don't you think?" Louis tries earning a scoff from Zayn as he puts down the jar of baby food. He looks at Louis with a scowl, crossing his arms over his chest as he does so. Louis shrinks back a little, biting his bottom lip as he looks back at Zayn timidly. He hadn't meant to upset the older, he really hadn't.

"Of course I think that would be nice, for Christ sake Louis I've been thinking about the four of us being a family since I found you again but you seem to think that I can't handle it. No one does and it's f ucking ridiculous because I haven't given anyone a reason to think that. Sure, I reacted badly when you told me about the boys. Sure, I was a dick and did a few things I regret. But I never once did anything to make you think I would be a bad parent, I never even got the chance to be a parent. That's all I want from you Louis, the chance to be a father to my sons."

"And I'm giving you that chance, unless of course you think otherwise. Last I checked I let you take them for the week."

"Only because I threatened to take you to court. Don't even try to lie and say that's not true, I know you better than that. You can keep telling yourself that taking the boys away from me is what's best for them, but it's a load of bullshit. It's been bullshit since the first time you ran away, but I understood it the first time because in a way I did deserve it.... But I did nothing to deserve you running away the second time. You can tell yourself that it's because you were scared but I think there's more to it that you're not telling me and that's why you're refusing to talk about the fact that you're pregnant again." Zayn finally finishes and Louis is left speechless for a moment. He just stares at Zayn, his mouth hanging open a little as he does so. Louis really didn't know what to say, mainly due to the fact that Zayn was right for the most part. Louis probably wouldn't have let Zayn have the boys for the week if he hadn't threatened him but that wasn't what was leaving him speechless. Zayn was looking at him with the same scowl as before, but Louis could see it in his eyes that it was just for show. Louis had really hurt Zayn by leaving, Louis could see it in the older's eyes and it made his heart ache. Louis had never meant to hurt Zayn, but  he knew that Zayn wouldn't believe him if he said that.

"If you want to talk about it, then we can. I didn't realize it was that important to you, I'm sorry." Louis eventually says, looking anywhere but at Zayn as he speaks. Louis really didn't want to talk about the fact he was pregnant, he really didn't want to run the risk of the past repeating itself. Sure, he was stuck in the past... He knew he was, but he didn't know how to move past it. He wanted to, God did he want to... He wanted a chance to be with Zayn, but there's was just something off about the older and Louis was too nervous to find out what.

"When did you find out?"

"Just a week or so after I left. It wasn't the reason why, I already told you the reason."

"My father said it was. Told me that he didn't think I was ready to take responsibility for my own family, but he's one to talk. He didn't take responsibility for me till after she left." Zayn says bitterly, shaking his head a little before finally turning his attention back to the twins. They had been relatively quiet this morning, their eyes always on Zayn as if they were trying to figure out who exactly he was.

"He didn't even know where I was... No one did except for my mum." Louis said honestly but that doesn't make Zayn hate his father any less. Zayn blamed Yaser for taking away his family, even if it really wasn't his fault in the first place.

Zayn just needed someone to blame besides himself and Louis.

Zayn was really tired of blaming himself.


i don't even know to be honest lol.

But like Zayn is finally telling Louis what's what. That's a good thing right?

QOTC: do you guys think Zayn should blame his father for what Louis did?




Connie xx

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