twenty: goodbye

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twenty: goodbye

Louis never came back to pick up the boys. Zayn was worried to say the least, pacing in the front living room with his phone pressed against his ear. He didn't get why Louis didn't show up, he didn't get why he's just disappear without a trace. Zayn had been calling Louis nonstop for the past two days, waiting for him to pick up. At first he'd just go straight to voicemail, a sign that Louis was clearly ignoring him. Now Louis let the phone ring, but he never picked up.

Zayn was worried.

"No!" Nathan shrieks as Ethan reached for his toy for yet the millionth time that day alone. It took Zayn's mind off of the fact Louis wasn't picking up his phone though.

"Ethan, don't take your brothers toy please." Zayn says quietly, crouching down so he was at the same level as the boys. Ethan looks at Zayn with wide blue eyes before slowly handing Nathan back his toy. Over the past few days, Zayn had gained control of his sons. They seemed to acknowledge that he wasn't someone who would let them get away with everything, and they also seemed to get that Zayn wasn't going anywhere either. Ethan was a little more clingy towards Zayn than Nathan was but Nathan no longer cried every time Zayn tried to hold him. Harry had stopped by just yesterday and for the first time since Zayn found his family, Nathan didn't call Harry "da".

Zayn smiles softly at his son before kissing the top of his head. He stands back up, dialing Louis' number again as he lets out a shaky breath. Louis doesn't pick up.

"No!" Nathan shrieks again, only this time Ethan was the one who bursts into tears. He didn't have Nathan's toy this time, but there was a small red spot on his arm which in turn meant that Nathan had smacked his brothers arms. Zayn sighs, slowly realizing that it's going to be one of those days.

"Nathan, you don't hit your brother." Zayn says quietly, bending down to pick up the crying twin. Ethan instantly snuggles into Zayn's side, his crying becoming quiet sniffles as Nathan looks up at Zayn in disbelief.

"No." Nathan says, shaking his head as he stands up. He grabs onto Zayn's pants, looking up at Zayn with a look of betrayal. Nathan didn't like the fact that Zayn was holding his brother and not him, it wasn't fair.

"No!" Nathan shrieks again and Zayn is starting to feel a little overwhelmed. He didn't get why Louis wasn't here or why he wasn't answering his calls. At first he thought it was because he asked Louis to leave... But Louis told him he'd back for the boys. Zayn didn't mind the extra time with his sons, but he was still worried about Louis.

"Ma!" Ethan is the one who shrieks this time, causing Zayn to turn around and see Louis standing in the doorway. He had a tight smile on his face and he looked like absolute hell.

"Louis, thank god." Zayn finds himself saying, walking over to Louis who took a step back when Zayn went to hug him.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls?" Zayn asks, looking over Louis frantically in case he was injured or something.

"I've been busy... I had a few things I needed to sort out... Zayn I uh... I need to talk to you for a moment." Louis says, refusing to meet Zayn's eyes as he nervously bites his bottom lip.

"Okay... What do you want to talk about?" Zayn asks, looking at Louis nervously. He didn't like the fact that Louis wouldn't look at him... Something was off.

"I'm leaving, Zayn." Louis whispers, still refusing to look at Zayn.

"Wh-What? What do you mean you're leaving?" Zayn asks frantically, looking at Louis in complete shock. He didn't get what happened, he didn't get what was going on...

"I'm leaving. Something... something came up and I can't stay here any more. I have to leave and I wanted to tell you in person so I could... So I could say goodbye to the boys." Louis finally looks at Zayn, his blue eyes connecting with Zayn's golden ones. Zayn stared at Louis in disbelief, this wasn't like him... Louis wouldn't just abandon the boys.

"What's going on that's making you leave?" Zayn asks but Louis doesn't respond. Instead he bends down to Nathan, picking the toddler up. He kisses the top of Nathan's head, holding the baby close to his chest as he tries not to cry. He was doing this for his boys... They needed Zayn around more than they needed Louis. Zayn would be able to take care of them... Louis would only continue to hurt them.

"Louis, talk to me..." Zayn says desperately as Louis places Nathan down. He reaches for Ethan and Zayn lets him take the other baby. Louis does the same thing to Ethan as he did Nathan, holding the baby close to his chest as he tries not to cry. He had to keep reminding himself he was doing this for his boys... They deserved someone better. Louis is trying not to cry as he puts Ethan down.

"Louis... Don't do this..." Zayn whispers, grabbing Louis' hand as he starts to walk away. Louis sighs, turning to look at Zayn with a sad smile.

"Tell them I love them... Tell them that everyday for me, okay?"

"I'm not going to let you leave."

"You don't have a choice in the matter."

"Like hell I don't!" Zayn nearly yells, making Louis jump but he knew that Zayn wasn't going to just let him walk away.

"I'm giving you what you want, Zayn. I'm giving you the boys with no strings attached. I can't stay, I can't be with you. I can't do this, so let me go. Move on with your life."

"You told me you loved me. How can you just leave?" Zayn asks desperately, looking at Louis who was showing no emotion whatsoever.

"That's because I lied." Louis says, shaking his hand out of Zayn's grip as the older just stares at him. Louis didn't say anything else, neither did Zayn.

And then Louis left.


heyyyyyyyy double update


Even though you guys are probably very mad right now.

I'm sorry, but I'm not.

No dedication cause I'm on mobile. Sad face.

I also can't think of a good question for this chapter so just comment your thoughts lol




Connie xx

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