twelve: keeping up with the maliks

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twelve: keeping up with the maliks

Everyone in the room sat in silence, the only sound coming from the clinking of silverware on plates and the occasional gurgle from one of the twins. Louis sat next to Zayn, looking at the older out of the corner of his eye while Zayn just glared down at his food. Liam sat across from Louis, his eyes flicking towards him every once in a while as he tries to figure out what exactly Louis was doing there. Next to Liam sat a noticeably pregnant Niall who was grimacing as the baby kicked a little too hard. Yaser didn't seem to even acknowledge anyone there, eating his food as if he was the only one in the house. No one wanted to break the silence it seemed, the tension in the room almost suffocating. Louis didn't like the quiet though, he was so used to people telling him what was wrong...

"So Niall, when are you due?" Louis finally can't take it any longer, breaking the silence with a simple question. Niall looks a little surprised at first, staring at Louis like he'd lost his mind but then a soft smile finds its way onto the other boys face.

"Got about three or so months to go still. It feels like an eternity though." Niall says, smiling down fondly at the baby bump as Louis nodded.

"I know the feeling. By the time I hit five months with the boys I was more than ready to have them out already. Of course I was pregnant with twins." Louis says, shrugging a little as he smiles softly at Niall.

"Yeah, and you were doing it by yourself pretty much." Niall says, not even paying attention to what he just said. Zayn pretty much slams his fork down on the table, glaring at Niall for a moment before walking out of the room. Everyone watches, a guilty feeling finding its way into the pit of Louis' stomach.

"What'd I do?" Niall asks, still completely oblivious. Niall really didn't know much of Louis and Zayn's situation. Liam refused to talk to him about it even if Niall wanted to know. Louis sighs softly before standing up to follow after Zayn, only to have Yaser grab a hold of his arms.

"Let him cool off, he needs a few minutes alone." Yaser says, earning a look from Louis.

"I don't thi-"

"Sit down Louis." Yaser's voice is a little harsher this time and well that didn't go over well with Louis. Louis glares at Yaser before shaking him off his arm, shaking his head as he does this. Louis doesn't even think about it before walking out of the room and in the general direction in which Zayn went. It doesn't take him long to find Zayn, the older lad standing on the outside porch with a cigarette between his fingers. Louis lets out a soft sigh before joining him, leaning against the railing of the porch next to Zayn. Zayn didn't even seem to acknowledge the fact that Louis was there, taking a long drag of the cigarette before snubbing it out on the railing.

"Niall didn't mean to upset you..." Louis starts earning a nod from Zayn.

"I know but that doesn't make any better. I honestly don't think anything is going to make it any better."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"You left Louis and you made it look so damn easy to leave almost like there was nothing to hold you back. What's going to stop you from doing it again? I can't trust you." Zayn says honestly, biting down on his bottom lip as he refuses to look at Louis. Louis isn't even hurt by what Zayn says, mainly due to the fact that he knew he was right. Zayn had every right not to trust Louis.

"You scare me." Zayn whispers, his voice cracking as he tries not to cry.


"Because you could totally destroy me without even blinking an eye. I am so goddamn terrified that if you so much as touch me I'm going to fall apart. I've given you everything with no hesitation, without even realizing it... and now I just have to watch as you slowly destroy every piece of me. You could break my heart apart, and I'd still pick up every piece and put them back in your hands." Zayn's voice is still barely above a whisper, his voice still cracking as he speaks. He feels so vulnerable standing there with Louis on the back porch.

"I don't think you realize that you could easily do the same to me..."

"Maybe, but I don't think I ever will. You wanna know something? I thought I was finally over you before I found you again. I had moved on, I had a healthy relationship and I was happy for the most part... then I found you, and I thought I finally had a chance with you again... I thought I had the chance to be a father to my sons... and then you left again. He didn't leave me though, he made sure that I was okay... He made me feel okay for the most part and then you just had... You had to come back. I gave up the one thing in my life that has ever made sense because of you and if you leave again, he isn't coming back. I will be left with nothing but the pieces of my heart and the memory of how f ucking easy it was for you to leave me. Maybe then I'll learn, maybe then I'll accept the fact that you and I were just too f ucked up to love each other."



this chapter didn't go as planned to be honest.

dedication goes to niallfillsharry

I can't think of a question for this chapter lol.




Connie xx

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