thirty-eight: a little nostalgic

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thirty-eight: a little nostalgic 

"And I make this." Ethan says practically throwing yet another picture at Louis as he sits down on the floor of the twins room. This had been going on for what felt like hours, not that Louis minded. He was enjoying every single second of it, he didn't realize how much he missed his boys. 

"That's wonderful baby, you're very good." Louis says, looking at the picture with a wide smile. Nathan didn't seem to like the fact that Louis was paying more attention to his younger brother though, the older of the twins practically throwing his favorite action figure into Louis' lap. Louis jumps a little at that before smiling at Nathan. 

"That's a very nice toy, Nate." 

"I did not make." Nathan says, looking rather proud of the fact he didn't make the toy. Louis chuckles at that, shaking his head a little before kissing the top of Nathan's head. Nathan smiles brightly at that, cuddling into Louis' side before he lets out a yawn. Ethan does the same, yawning rather loudly before laying his head down on Louis' lap. Louis lets out a sigh, looking down at the watch on his wrist as he realizes it was probably close to their nap time. It doesn't take long for Louis to get the twins into their respective bed, kissing the top of their heads before he finally walks out of their room. Louis stands in the hall for a minute, feeling a little nostalgic but it was only for a moment. It had been a year since Louis had been inside this house and really not much had changed, it was familiar and it almost felt like home. The people on the other hand, Louis felt like a stranger here. 

"Did they fall asleep?" Zayn's voice causes Louis to jump, the younger of the two turning around to see Zayn walking out of his office. 

"Uh yeah..." Louis says awkwardly, running a hand through his hair as he looks anywhere but at Zayn. He had really hoped he wouldn't have to deal with this part, he really didn't want to talk to Zayn. 

"Good, they haven't gone down for a nap that easy since..." Zayn trails off, biting his lower lip as he too looks anywhere but at Louis. Zayn had thought that this would be easier, that maybe he could try and be friends with Louis for the sake of the kids and for himself. 

"They've never been good with naps, when they were just babies I would have to throw them in the backseat of Harry's car and drive them around until they fell asleep." Louis whispers, smiling softly at the memory. It was hard for him to believe that those two little babies were no longer babies.

"I'll have to try that next time, although it seems just having you around is good enough for them." Zayn says, hoping that would help with the sad look on Louis' face. Louis lets out a small laugh which really sounded like a snort before he finally looks at Zayn. 

"Did they really miss me that much?" Louis finds himself asking, his voice coming out small and it was hard for Zayn to hear him. 

"Yeah, they really did. It was rough for the first couple months." Zayn says honestly, stuffing his hands into his jeans yet again. He didn't get why this all had to be so awkward, there had once been a time where Louis and him could have a full on conversation and neither of them would feel like the room was nearly suffocating.

"I really didn't want to put you through that." 

"Then why did you?" 

"I didn't exactly have much of a choice. I didn't know what else to do, I couldn't bring myself to tell you what happened and he... he was going to tell you if I didn't go. So I left and I'm sorry that I did."

"I don't get why you couldn't just tell me. You sat there and let me think that baby was mine, you probably weren't even going to tell me she was Liam's, were you?" 

"I didn't know if she was Liam's or yours, Zayn. I didn't know and I swear that if I had I would've said something... You just have to understand that this isn't an easy thing for me to talk about. He took advantage of me and that's not exactly something I'm just going to tell you over dinner and drinks." Louis says, his voice coming out a little bitter as he looks at Zayn in disbelief. Sure the conversation wasn't so awkward now, but Louis really hated it when Zayn tried to start shit. 

"You still should've told me. I could've fixed this before you left, I could've made you stay." Zayn says earning a look from Louis. 

"You're not listening to me. I couldn't tell you, Zayn. I didn't want you to know because I already knew how much you hated Liam. I didn't want you to go and do something stupid, so I took matters into my own hands. I am sorry that I left and I wish more than anything that I had stayed... but I didn't and this is where we are now. You can be mad at me, you can sit there and tell me that you would've done something but it's too late for that now." Louis says honestly, shaking his head a little before letting out a sigh. Zayn just stares at Louis for a moment, unable to really think of what else to say. He wanted to tell Louis that he was wrong,  that it wasn't too late. 

But as Zayn stood there in that hallway, looking at Louis as he tries to think about what to say... Zayn knew that Louis wasn't wrong, but that didn't mean Zayn couldn't try.


This technically counts as a double update cause it hasn't been 24 hours since the last one lol. 

But hey, Zouis is actually talking now for the most part. That's nice.

Dedication goes to Zarryriffic cause it's your birthday (or at least it was yesterday lol or it still is. Idk, timezones and shit.)

QOTC: Do you guys think that if Zayn had known about what happened between Louis and Liam, Zayn would've been able to make Louis stay?




Connie xx 

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