thirty-seven: the i miss you's

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thirty-seven: the i miss you's

"Do we really have to be here? Harry... I would much rather meet at your place than come here..." Louis says quietly as Harry pulls into Zayn's driveway. It had been a few days since the engagement party and Harry was getting sick of waiting for Louis to go visit the boys. Louis kept using Niall as an excuse, saying that Niall needed his help taking care of Easton or that Louis really should be helping with Niall and he didn't have time to go see his sons quite yet. Harry knew it was all just a bunch of bullshit, Louis was just scared to actually have a full on conversation with Zayn.

"Look, Niall really doesn't need your help Louis and you gotta talk to him eventually. Stop avoiding him because you're avoiding your kids too. Those boys haven't gotten to actually see their mother for over a year, do you really want to make them wait any longer?" Harry asks, turning off the car as he looks over at Louis. Louis lets out a sigh, shaking his head a little before he looks over at the front door. Zayn was expecting him so it wasn't like he could just hightail it the other direction, not that he was going to do that... He really did miss his boys and as far as he could tell, his boys had missed him too. 

"I don't... I just feel bad that you guys have to watch Quinn while I'm here and Niall's stressed enough as it is with what's going on... We really could do this another da-" 

"Get out of the car." Harry interrupts Louis, making Louis jump a little as he hadn't expected Harry to be so loud.

"What?" Louis asks, looking at Harry with wide eyes. 

"I said get out of the car. You are getting out of this car and you are going to go inside that house. You're going to spend time with your sons and you're going to talk to Zayn. I don't care if you don't want to, I don't care if you feel out of place. You need this just as bad as they do, so get the hell out of the car." Harry says, refusing to look at Louis as his hands grip the steering wheel. Harry was beyond frustrated, honestly wondering how the hell he got into this situation. He hadn't asked to be thrown right in the middle of it, but yet here he was. Louis still didn't get out of the car and Harry was half tempted to just shove him out, but he knew that wouldn't help the situation. 

"Louis, get out of the car." 

"Okay... I'll uh... I'll call you when I need you to pick me up." Louis says awkwardly, opening the car door before he finally gets out. Louis shuts the door and Harry didn't even wait for Louis to walk up to the house before driving off. Louis stands at the foot of the stairs, biting his bottom lip as he rubs his arms. He wasn't sure if he could do this, but Harry was right... He needed to do this for his boys, his boys that he hadn't been there for... So Louis sucks it up, walking up the front door and knocking with no hesitation whatsoever. He could hear the sound of the kids running in the house towards the door, a small smile finding its way onto his face when Zayn opens the door. Ethan and Nathan both came rushing out of the house, attaching themselves on either of Louis' legs. 

"Well hello there." Louis coos, looking down at the boys who smiled brightly up at Louis. Louis smiles just as bright at them, laughing a little when they still wouldn't let go when he tried to take a step. Zayn moves out of Louis' way, allowing him to walk into the house with the twins hanging off either leg. 

"Alright boys, that's enough." Zayn says after Louis finally makes it into the house. Both of the boys let out whines, pouting as they look at Zayn with the same blue eyes as Louis'. 

"I no want." Nathan says, shaking his head as his grip on Louis' leg gets tighter. 

"Me neither." Ethan chimes in, also gripping onto Louis' leg a little tighter. Louis shakes his head, the same fond smile on his face before he looks at Zayn. Louis' smile fades as he clears his throat, looking back down at the twins who were still holding on for dear life. 

"Listen to your father, boys. Why don't you let me go and we can find a game to play?" Louis says quietly, earning whines from both the boys again but they do as they were told. They don't wait for very long before running off into the house again, leaving Zayn and Louis alone in the front room. 

"I'm glad you could make it." Zayn says quietly, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans as Louis and him stand awkwardly in front of the door. 

"Thanks for letting me see them." Louis says back, trying to ignore how awkward he felt around Zayn right now. 

"They really missed you." 

"I really missed them too..." Louis whispers, looking in the direction the twins had went. He was half tempted to just go chasing after them, feeling like that was the only way he wouldn't have to deal with this conversation. Zayn looks like he's about to say something else, but the boys came rushing back into the room at that point. They practically dragged Louis towards the stairs, wanting to show him their rooms as they talked excitedly about them. Zayn watches sadly before running a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh as Louis is no longer in sight.

"I've missed you too, just thought I would let you know." 



Maybe I'll do a double update tonight.

Haven't decided yet haha.

But hey, new covers for both Perfect and Style!

Dedication goes to TrinaAlexandra

QOTC: what is your favorite part of this story?




Connie xx 

Perfect (sequel to Style)(zouis mpreg)(book two)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora