twenty-two: the mother

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twenty-two: the mother

"Is that my granddaughter?" Trisha asks, sitting down at the table across from Louis. Louis doesn't answer her, smiling softly down at Quinn as she happily drinks from her baby bottle.

"Thanks for coming. I know it was a little weird for me to contact you and whatnot." Louis eventually says, shrugging a little before taking Quinn's bottle away. Trisha kept her eyes on the baby girl for a moment before looking at Louis with a warm smile. Louis honestly didn't know what to expect where she was concerned. Zayn had made her seem cold and distant, angry almost like Yaser was.

"I was a little surprised to say the least... I honestly thought my son had forgotten me by now." Trisha says, her voice a little sad at the mention of her son. It had been fifteen years and it still felt like just yesterday she was saying goodbye.

"You hurt him pretty badly, you weren't exactly an easy thing for him to forget." Louis says quietly, looking back down at Quinn who let out a small shriek when she realized Louis wasn't focused mainly on her. Louis grins down at her, rolling his eyes a little at how desperate for attention the little girl already was. She was only six months old and already had Louis' sassy attitude.

"What's her name?" Trisha asks, unsure of how to really respond to Louis.

"Quinn. Quinn Emilia Tomlinson." Louis says, a proud grin on his face. He didn't really get the chance to show Quinn off to anyone, mainly due to the fact that he mostly lived in solitude. He would get the occasional visit from his mother or Liam, but Louis never really took Quinn out in public unless it was completely necessary. He was worried about maybe running into Zayn, even though he was nearly in another country.

"She's beautiful. She has your eyes by the looks of it." Trisha says and Louis smiles fondly down at Quinn.

"All my children have my eyes." Louis whispers, moving the hair out of Quinn's eyes as she lets out another shriek.

"How many children do you have?"

"Three. She's my youngest."

"How old are the other two?"

"They're two and a half." Louis' voice cracks a little as he starts to talk about the twins. It had been a year since he'd last had them in his arms. He had talked to them just this morning, but it wasn't the same. He missed them, but he knew they were better off with Zayn.

"What are their names?"

"Ethan Nicolas and Nathan Gabriel. They're twins."

"I figured when you said they were both the same age. I'm assuming that they're my sons children as well?" Trisha asks and Louis was starting to get annoyed with all her questions. It was almost like she was using the subject of his children to find out about Zayn, that hadn't been the reason why he called her. He had called her to find out why she left, he wanted to know why she ruined her son and didn't feel a single ounce of remorse over it.

"Why did you leave him?" Louis changes the subject, earning a surprised look from Trisha as she hasn't exactly expected him to he so straightforward about it.

"Excuse me?"

"Why did you leave Zayn?" Louis asks again, looking Trisha directly in the eyes as he speaks. Trisha doesn't speak for a moment, a small frown on her face as she tries to think about what to say.

"I didn't have much choice in the matter. I wasn't happy in my marriage, I felt trapped, and the only way out was to leave. I meant to come back, I wanted to at least be in his life... But I never found the time, I never got the chance to be there for him... And when I finally did, he was all grown up."

"So basically you didn't try? Do you have any clue what you did to him?" Louis looks at her in disbelief, suddenly enraged at how little this woman tried.

"I know what I did was wrong, but you have to understand that he was better off without me by that point. His father was able to take care of him just fine and he didn't need me."

"His father did nothing for him.  He blames him, he blames him for what you did." Louis says bitterly and Trisha lets out a surprised laugh.

"Yaser should only blame himself. My son wasn't the reason I left, but he seems to be the reason why you did. Why did you call me, Louis? Why did you ask me to meet you? Was it so you could get angry at me for the same thing you're doing right now? I am in no way saying what I did was right, but at least I'm at peace with it now."

"I don't think you even realize how badly you damaged him." Louis says bitterly, shaking his head as he bends down to grab Quinn's diaper bag. He was done with this conversation, he was ready to go home. Trisha made no move to stop Louis, she just watched as Louis stands up from the table and gets ready to leave.

"It's too late for me to fix what I've done, but you can. You can fix him, but you don't want to. What are you so afraid of?" Louis doesn't answer her and he leaves without another word.



This is my present to you even though it's not that happy of a chapter.

Dedicated to everyone cause I'm on mobile. Smh at myself yet again.

Um QOTC: what do you guys think about Trisha?




Connie xx

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