four: the diner

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four: the diner

As promised, Louis was waiting at the small diner just outside of town at noon. Nathan and Ethan were talking excitedly to each other while Louis tapped the steering wheel of his car nervously. Harry was late, not that Louis was surprised. Louis could sense the hesitation that Harry felt when Louis had talked to him yesterday, but Louis knew he'd show up. Harry always showed up.

"Ma! No!" Nathan suddenly screams, causing Louis to look away from the road and towards his son. Ethan was holding on Nathan's favorite stuffed animal. Louis sighs before leaning into the back of the car, looking at Ethan with a small scowl. The two boys had been acting up all day, which surprised Louis cause normally they were very well behaved.

"Ethan, give Nathan back his toy." Louis says quietly

"No." Ethan shakes his head, holding onto Nathan's toy even tighter when Louis reached back to grab it.

"Ethan Nicolas, give me the toy."

"No. Ma no." Ethan continues to shake his head. Louis gets ready to try again when Nathan lets out yet another loud shriek.

"Da! Da!" Nathan says excitedly and Louis turns towards Nathan to see Harry climbing out of his car. Louis gives up on trying to get the toy back and instead gets out of the car. Louis smiles softly at Harry before being pulled into Harry's arms. Harry's grip on Louis was tight, almost as if he was terrified to let him go.

"God, I've missed you." Harry whispers quietly into Louis' neck before they pulled away from each other. Louis gives Harry a tight smile, trying not to cry as he looks at his best friend. His smile fades though when he notices someone standing behind Harry. It only took on look to know it was Zayn.

"You f ucking brought Zayn with you?!" Louis nearly yells, suddenly feeling very angry and betrayed.


"I told you to come alone. I told him he wasn't allowed to come. Harry, what the f uck?!"

"It wasn't his fault. I made him take me with him. You can't exactly expect me not to come. They're my sons, I wanted to pick them up myself." Zayn says before Harry got the chance to defend himself. Harry takes a step back from Louis, knowing better than to be close to him when he was angry.

"I told you he wasn't allowed to come." Louis shouts, looking at Harry and not at Zayn. Zayn rolls his eyes, not exactly appreciating Louis' attitude right about now.

"You can't control what I do, Louis. I didn't leave him much of a choice anyways, so get the f uck over it." Zayn says, glaring at Louis who finally looked at him. He opened his mouth to reply but there was a loud shriek from Louis' car that could only belong to Nathan. The three adults turn towards the car which had all the windows down, only to see that Nathan had finally gotten his stuffed animal back from his brother. Ethan looked completely distraught, silent tears going down his cheeks as he stares at his brother.

"Da!" Nathan shrieks again, smiling brightly at Harry. Zayn risks a look towards Harry too, gauging his reaction. Zayn knew that Harry didn't see himself as the twins father, but that didn't mean Zayn wasn't jealous.

"Harry, why don't you get the boys in the car. I need to talk to Louis." Zayn says after a minute earning a glare from Louis as Harry just nods. Harry walks over to the car where the boys are, leaving Louis and Zayn standing alone.

"Will you knock it off?" Zayn asks, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared at Louis.

"Knock what off?"

"Your attitude. I don't get why you're making such a big deal about me being here. They're my sons, not Harry's." Zayn says earning a scoff from Louis as the younger boy shakes his head.

"I told him to come alone."

"Why is it such a big deal to you that he didn't?"

"Because I didn't want to see you. I didn't want to talk to you, I didn't want to have this conversation. Look, I'm letting you have the boys for a couple days because it's clear to me that it wasn't fair for me to leave with them. That doesn't mean that I want to be around you." Louis says, shaking his head as he once again refuses to look at Zayn. Louis was trying to ignore the fact that his chest was aching and that all he wanted to do right now was tell Zayn how sorry he was.

"Why? Why don't you want to be around me? What did I do to make you f ucking leave me again?" Zayn asks quietly, getting ready to force Louis to look at him. He just didn't get it, he didn't get any of this and it was driving him mad.

He didn't get why Louis wouldn't stay.

Louis doesn't answer him though, looking over at Harry as he gets Nathan out of the car. Louis figured he should probably go help Harry, but Zayn grabs his hand before he gets the chance.

"I know why you left, Louis. My father told me about the baby..." Zayn whispers, making Louis stiffen.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Louis whispers back, taking his hand back from Zayn's with a frown.

"Louis..." Zayn starts but Louis shakes his head, a tight smile finding its way onto his face. He doesn't say anything else before walking away from Zayn.


Cries cause that chapter ending was terrible.

Oh well.

Dedication goes to KingCommenter

I am once again too lazy to do a question.




Connie xx

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