nineteen: threats

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nineteen: threats

"Mr. Payne, Louis Tomlinson is here to see you." Lisa says quietly, sticking her head into Liam's office as the young man types away on his computer. Liam sighs before looking up at Lisa, an unpleased expression on his face. Lisa looks at him nervously, waiting for him to allow her to let Louis in. Lisa was used to her bosses being like this though, grumpy and wanting nothing to do with Louis. She was surprised that they even let Louis in the building still...

"What does he want?" Liam asks, going back to his computer. He wasn't really doing any thing work related, but that didn't mean he wasn't doing anything. Niall had been on his back for the past week or so about baby names, so Liam was looking at some random website. Liam could honestly care less what they named the baby, as long as it wasn't some stupid ass name like Fred or Natalie.

"He didn't tell me, but he seemed upset." Lisa says quietly, really not wanting to upset Liam. Liam lets out another sigh before nodding.

"Let him in." Liam says and Lisa left without another word. Louis came in a moment later, standing in the doorway as he looks at Liam who refused to look away from his computer.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Louis asks, breaking the silence. Liam didn't look at him and instead started to focus on the files on his desk. Liam wasn't really sure why Louis was here, last he checked Louis was staying with Zayn playing family.

"Tell you what?" Liam asks, finally looking at Louis. Lisa hadn't been lying when she said Louis looked upset, if Liam didn't know any better he'd say Louis spent most of the night crying.

"What'd he do this time?" Liam asks before Louis got the chance to answer his previous question.

"It wasn't him. He didn't do anything and I really wish that you'd stop making him feel like everything is his fault. Can't you tell how much that's hurting him?" Louis whispers, looking at Liam desperately as Liam scoffs.

"So what? Why do you suddenly care about how he feels? Last I checked Louis, you wanted nothing to do with him. You left him."

"Only because you gave me no other choice. Yo-You're the one who made me leave again."

"You're the one who came to me, Louis. You came to me and asked for help, all I did was give you what you wanted."

"I didn't want this. I didn't want to hurt him..."

"You're not really falling for his whole "I've changed" routine? Louis, all Zayn has ever done to you is lie. He doesn't give a rats ass about you or the twins. He only pretends to care ab-"

"Stop it, Liam. Stop making him sound like the bad guy, stop trying to turn me against him. You've already done that, you already won. You got what you wanted from me, you f ucking won."

"Does he know?" Liam asks, interrupting Louis' little rant and earning a very confused look from the younger boy.

"About what?" Louis asks, earning an eye roll from Liam as he stares Louis down.

"That the baby isn't his. Does he know what you did?"

"The baby is his."

"Louis, don't lie to me. We both know that baby isn't Zayn's... That baby is mine." Louis stiffens, the guilt in the pit of his stomach erupting and making him feel nothing else but remorse. He could still remember that night... He remembered every detail of it, no matter how badly he wished he could forget.

"The baby is Zayn's, Liam." Louis says quietly, biting his bottom lip rather harshly. Liam laughs at that, shaking his head as he looks at Louis.

"We both know that's not true. I get it though, I get that you want nothing to do with me and I get that the idea of that baby being Zayn's is better than realizing what you did. Do you have any idea how badly it's going to crush him when he finds out? When he finds out that you slept with the one person he hates more than his father? He thinks he took you from me, he thinks that you love him... But what you and him both fail to understand is that I always get what I want." Liam says, staring Louis down.

"He doesn't deserve this. He has never deserved any of this." Louis whispers back, earning yet another laugh from Liam.

"It doesn't matter what he does and doesn't deserve Louis."

"Like hell it doesn't."

"What are you hoping to accomplish by being here, Louis? Did you really think you could walk in here and convince me he's a good person? You didn't grow up with him, you didn't have to watch him take everything you loved away from you. You don't know the real him, just like you don't know the real me."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I can. Now, I think it's time you leave Louis and I don't mean back to Zayn or back to your home. I'm talking about leaving for good and this time I don't want you coming back. If you do come back, I'll tell him everything."

"Are you threatening me?" Louis is astonished, the man sitting at that desk was not the Liam he knew.

"No, I'm just offering you an out. Are you going to take it, or am I going to be making a phone call?"


Look at me, actually somewhat knowing what I want to do.

But like plot twist on Liam, right?


Also I have nothing against the name Natalie

I'm on mobile so I can't do a dedication. Smh at myself.

QOTC: do you guys think that Louis' baby is actually Liam's? Will he take Liam's offer and disappear?




Connie xx

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