twenty-seven: tough love

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twenty-seven: tough love

"I really messed it up? Didn't I?" Louis says quietly as he sits on Harry's couch. He was sipping at a cup of tea that Harry had made him as the two of them caught up on what had happened in the past year.

"Messed up what?" Harry asks, shifting his weight on the couch as he looks at Louis.

"Everything." Louis says, letting out a soft sigh as he gives Harry a tight smile. Harry doesn't return it, letting out a sigh of his own before running a hand through his hair. Harry didn't really know what to say to that, he felt like he should tell Louis that it wasn't like that... he didn't mess everything up... but Harry knew better and he wasn't going to sugar coat it for him. Harry was angry with Louis, so very angry but he didn't want to cause any more drama.

He just wanted things to go back to normal. 

"Well, I won't disagree with you on that." Harry eventually says, shrugging when Louis arches an eyebrow at him. 

"I'm not going to sugar coat it, Lou. You really messed up and I honestly don't get why you keep coming back. You say it's cause you missed the boys, but I think it's more than that. I think you just didn't like the fact that they were moving on, that they were finally accepting the fact that you weren't coming back. He's finally getting past what you did, just like the last time. It's like you have some sort of radar on you or something that lets you know when someone is finally moving on." Harry says, shaking his head a little before looking up at the ceiling. He was tired, he was so tired with all the shit going on in his life. He hadn't asked for this, he hadn't asked to be thrown in the middle of it all yet every single time it felt like he was the one cleaning up Louis' mess. 

"I know I don't exactly have the best timing, but I came back because I thought it was time. I didn't come back just to screw everything up again..." Louis says honestly, but he knows that Harry doesn't believe him. Louis didn't exactly have the best track record... 

"Why did you even leave in the first place, Louis? From what I could tell you and Zayn were finally getting somewhere and then all of a sudden you just left. Why?" 

"You wouldn't understand, Harry." Louis says quietly, the guilt that he'd been suppressing for the past year starting to bubble up again. He looks off towards Harry's guest bedroom where Quinn is fast asleep, biting his bottom lip before turning his attention back to the cup in his hands. He can't look at Harry right now, his best friend knowing him like the back of his hand. He didn't want to tell Harry, he didn't want to say what he did out loud.

"Try me, because I'm seriously at a loss right now. I want to help you, I want to be there for you but you're not exactly giving me any good reason as to why I should. You left us all, not just Zayn and the boys... You left me too. You made it seem like that was easiest thing for you to ever do, Lou. I mean for god sake, how can you just pack up and leave everything behind like that? Whatever it is that made you leave must've been pretty f ucking bad if it was worth losing all that you had." Harry says, once again shaking his head as he lets out a frustrated sigh. He was really trying to understand Louis, but no matter how hard he tried all he wanted to do was smack the other boy upside the head. He didn't get it, he didn't get any of it. 

"I can't tell you... Okay? I just... I messed up really bad and there's nothing I can do to fix it right now. I know I left, and I know I have shitty timing... but I came back and can we just leave it at that?" 

"We can't just leave it at that because you're like a f ucking hurricane Louis. You come and you leave with a path of destruction behind you. Stop running away, stop trying to avoid the problem. Tell me what the hell it was you did." Harry was so close to screaming at Louis, blowing past being civil with every second that passed during this conversation. He didn't see why this was such a big deal to Louis, why didn't he trust Harry enough to tell him what was really going on? 

"Why is it so important to you?" Louis asks, suddenly getting a little more defensive than before. Harry arches an eyebrow, shaking his head for what felt like the millionth time before he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Because those boys are like my family. I helped raise them and I hate the fact that you think you can just leave them without a single reason as to why and then come back like it was nothing. You think that you can do whatever the hell you want just because they're you're kids, but you haven't been a parent to them for over a year, Louis. So you better have a pretty good reason as to why you left them or so help me God I will make sure that Zayn keeps them as faraway from you as possible." Harry finishes with a glare and he doesn't even feel bad for saying what he said. He felt as if Louis needed to hear that, and for the most part Harry was right. Louis bites his bottom lip, picking at the rim of his cup before he looks Harry in the eyes. 

"Liam is Quinn's father." 


Oh sweet baby Jesus.

That ending just came right out and I wasn't even on planning on revealing who Quinn's real father was until like two more chapters, but I like the way this chapter ended so yolo right? 

Um dedication cause I'm finally on my computer again : NayomyLaxxma

QOTC: How do you guys feel about Liam being Quinn's father? What about Harry? Was he too harsh on Louis?




Connie xx 

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