thirty-one: the engagement party part two

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thirty-one: the engagement party part two

"Harry, I really don't think I should be here..." Louis says quietly as the two of them walk into the front room. Quinn was sitting on his hip, looking around curiously as she sucked on her binkie. Harry lets out a sigh, taking off his jacket before hanging it up.

"Louis, this is for Niall. He needs our support."

"I don't get why he's even marrying the monster, especially if the two of you have been running around behind his back for the past year." Louis says, earning an eye roll from Harry as he grabs Quinn's diaper bag from Louis.

"Niall doesn't know what he did for one, and for two... It's complicated. Niall doesn't want Easton to grow up without his father."  Harry says, shrugging a little before they walk into the crowded room. Louis gets this sudden feeling of dread, wanting to do nothing more than high tail it the other direction and never come back into this house again. He hated this place and he was still trying to figure out how he let Harry convince him to come here.

"I still don't think I should be here." Louis says, biting down on his bottom lip as he looks around the room. He knew several of these people, mainly from his own engagement party with Zayn all those years ago. He avoids eye contact with everyone, practically hiding himself behind Harry as they walk into the crowd. It didn't last for very long though, especially when Niall walks over to them. Niall smiles softly at Harry, reaching for the other boys hand but thinks second of it. Louis watches the exchange, but he doesn't say anything.

"Louis, how long have you been back?" Niall asks, looking at Louis now who held Quinn a little closer to himself. Louis personally didn't have a problem with Niall, it was the man walking up behind him that he had a problem with. He makes eye contact with Liam for only a second before going back to burying his face into Harry's back. Liam wraps his arms around Niall, placing his chin onto his fiancees shoulder as he smiles softly at Harry. Harry's entire demeanor changes and it takes every ounce of his will power not to punch Liam in the face right then and there. 

"Harry, it's nice to see you." Liam says, his voice holding a sickly sweet tone to it as he smiles at Harry. Louis closes his eyes, breathing through his nose as he holds Quinn as close he possibly could. 

"And it's nice to see you as well Louis. Quinn has gotten so big since the last time I saw her." Liam says after a moment when no one said anything back to him. The air around the four of them was thick, almost suffocating or at least that's how it felt for Louis. 

"She looks just like you, Lou. How old is she?" Niall asks, trying to make light of the conversation. He didn't get why everyone was being so awkward, last he checked everyone in this room were friends. 

"She's eight months." Louis says quietly, risking a peek towards Niall who was smiling softly at Louis. Louis couldn't return it though, mainly due to the fact that he didn't get how Niall didn't see it... How did he not notice the way Liam kept staring at him with a sick grin on his face? 

"She's almost the same age as Easton. I would introduce the two of you but he's currently with my parents." Niall says, still smiling at Louis. He really didn't understand why he was practically hiding into Harry. 

"Maybe another time." Louis whispers, giving Niall a tight smile now as he didn't want to seem rude. Harry still had yet to say a word, his green eyes focused on Liam as he glares at his former friend. Liam was lucky that they were in a crowded room right now because if they were alone, Harry would be pounding that stupid ass smirk off his face. 

"Do you mind if I hold her for a moment?" Liam chimes in, letting go of Niall and taking a step towards Harry and Louis. Harry wraps an arm behind himself, almost like he was shielding Louis away from Liam. 

"I kind of mind." Harry finally says, still glaring at Liam as he takes yet another step towards the two of them.

"I wasn't asking you, Harry." Liam says, giving Harry a look to which the younger of the two returned with a look of his own. Harry was practically seething right now, his hands clenching and unclenching as he tries his hardest not to kill Liam.  

"Well I don't care, Liam." Harry says back, matching the same tone that Liam had used. Louis looks at Harry, feeling a little uneasy as he started to notice that people were looking over at them. 

"Harry... It's okay..." Louis whispers, not wanting to cause a scene. 

"No Louis, it's not okay. I'm not going to let him touch her." 

"Is there something going on that I don't know about?" Niall asks, looking in between Harry and Liam as if that was going to give him any answers. Neither of the two boys say anything, too busy glaring at each other to pay any attention to what Niall was saying. Liam is the first to break eye contact, going back to his place next to Niall's side.

"Nothing's going on, love. Harry's just got a stick up his ass. Don't worry about it." 


it's sad that this took me three days to write. I cry.

Dedication goes to imzadinot

QOTC: How do you guys think Niall's going to find out about Liam?




Connie xx 

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