thirty-six: the almost break-up

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thirty-six: the almost break-up

"Where are you going?" Zayn asks, looking at his fiancee as Robbie walks down the stairs dressed in the same clothes as earlier. Robbie just shrugs, looking at the front door for a moment before turning his attention back to Zayn.

"I'm going home."

"I thought you were staying the night."

"Well I changed my mind. I need to go home sometime, you know." Robbie says, huffing a little as he crosses his arms over his chest. Zayn quirks an eyebrow, a little confused as to why Robbie was upset. Zayn hadn't done anything wrong as far as he was concerned.

"Everything alright?" Zayn asks, looking at Robbie expectantly as Robbie scoffs.

"No. Everything's fantastic, Zayn." Robbie says sarcastically, earning yet another look from Zayn.

"Did I do something wrong?" Zayn asks, unsure if he really wanted to know the answer. Robbie lets out a sigh, his pissy mood seeming to disappear as he looks at Zayn sadly.

"No.. It's not you. I just..." Robbie trails off, biting his bottom lip as he looks at the door again. He didn't really feel like having this conversation right now, but he knew it needed to get out of the way if they were ever going to move on from this point.

"You just what?"

"I'm being stupid. I just... I saw Louis tonight and it just... It reminded me of the last time he came back and well..." Robbie trails off again, earning a sympathetic look from Zayn who walks over to his fiancee.

"I already told you that you have nothing to worry about."

"I know you did, but I can't help but feel like this is all going to come back and hit me in the face. Especially with what happened to him with Liam... He's gonna need someone there for him." Robbie says honestly and Zayn lets out a sigh. He knows where Robbie is coming from, he just wishes that Robbie would trust him a little more.

"He's got Harry."

"Niall needs Harry."

"I love you."

"But you love him too... Zayn, I saw what you did. You pulled him away so he wouldn't get hurt and I..."

"I only did that because I care about him. That doesn't mean I still love him... What Louis and I had left when he did, I don't get why you need me to keep saying this to you. If you can't trust me, then why the hell do you want to marry me?" Zayn asks, feeling more than a little upset at the fact that Robbie didn't trust him. Zayn didn't get it, he truly didn't. He hadn't done a single thing with Louis to make Robbie think he would go back to old ways.

"I do trust you, more than I probably should considering past events. I'm just... I'm worried and you can't get angry at me for that. You don't exactly have the best track record where Louis is concerned and I don't want this to end up like the last two times where you go running back to him... and I get... I get left behind again." Robbie says honestly, wishing that Zayn could just understand for once what he was getting at.

"But I'm not going to let it happen this time. I don't get why you don't understand that."

"For godsake, Zayn. You do this every time. He comes back, you leave me, then he leaves you and you come crawling back. You do it every single time and I don't get why you can't see that." Robbie says, shaking his head as he takes a deep breath.

"I came back because I thought you understood, but clearly you don't so I don't see the point in even having this conversation. Do you even realize that you always leave when he comes back? You're just as bad as I am where he's concerned, granted it's for different reasons but you can't just sit here and blame it all on me. So why don't you go ahead and leave, do what you do best when you feel threatened. Just assume that I'm going to leave you for him, don't give me a chance to show you how much you really mean to me. Don't give me the chance to prove you wrong, by all means. Walk out that door." Zayn says bitterly, glaring at Robbie as he waits for him to do just that. Robbie doesn't though, the younger of the two suddenly feeling bad for everything he had just said...

"Can you blame me though? He's the mother of your kids, your first love. I'm always... I'm always going to feel threatened by him because he gave you everything. I can't... You know I can't give you kids." Robbie whispers, now refusing to look at Zayn. Zayn's expression softens at that, the guilt starting to set in the pit of his stomach.

"Is that really what this is about?" Zayn finds himself asking, feeling like that was kind of a weird reason for Robbie to be freaking out. Robbie sniffs a little before shrugging because yeah, it was partially but he really didn't trust Zayn around Louis either.

"You know that I don't need anymore kids, Robbie. We already talked about that... The boys are more than enough for us." Zayn says, walking over to Robbie and wrapping the younger boy up into his arms. Robbie buries his face into Zayn's chest, feeling a little guilty for not saying that really wasn't the only thing he was talking about.

He wasn't going to say anything else though, not wanting to fight with Zayn any longer today. It was an argument he would save for another time, but for now he would just enjoy the fact that he had Zayn in his arms.


woohoo for double updates cause they be the shiiiiiiiiiit.

anyways, the cover for book number three is in the multimedia. I won't be sharing the description till the end of this book cause obvious reasons... Don't wanna give away the ending for this story lol.

Dedication goes to KingCommenter

QOTC: do you guys think the past will repeat itself? Will Zayn leave Robbie for Louis again?




Connie xx

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