thirty-three: the engagement party part four

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thirty-three: the engagement party part four

The room was silent, completely and utterly silent that if one were to drop a pin it would more than likely echo. Liam was still hunched over on the ground, a grimace on his face as he glares up at Louis. Louis had moved over to Harry now, standing next to his best friend who was still trying to break free from the group of people holding him back. Niall was standing by Harry as well, looking at Liam with pure disgust and betrayal. Liam stands up with a grunt, continuing to glare at Louis before he takes a step towards him.

"Don't even think about it." Zayn is the one to speak, stepping in front of Louis and pushing Liam back. Liam quirks an eyebrow at that, a little shocked that Zayn was actually standing up to Louis especially after all that he did.

"You're really actually believing this shit? You really actually believe him when he says I raped him. It wasn't my fault that you weren't enough for him. He's always been a whore and you know it." Liam sneers, looking behind Zayn and at Louis who was once again cowering into Harry.

"Want to say that again? Just give me a reason to beat the living shit out of you." Zayn says back, his hand gripping Liam's white shirt that was covered in his own blood. Zayn really didn't need an excuse though, he had more than enough reason to deck Liam right in the nose again. Zayn so badly wanted that satisfaction, but he knew his boys were in that very room. It didn't matter how badly he wanted to hurt Liam, he would never subject his boys to that.

"You don't have the guts." Liam says, almost as if he was challenging Zayn.

"Wanna bet?" Zayn challenges back, his grip on Liam's shirt getting tighter. His free hand started to roll up into a fist and he was just waiting for the right moment to just swing at Liam. Louis takes a step forward at that point, his hand touching Zayn's free arm gently. He looks up at Zayn, biting his bottom lip as he does so.

"Zayn..." Louis starts and Zayn's attention was no longer on Liam. His grip on Liam lessens a little as he does so, his expression softening a little.

"You're really going to let the whore talk you down? C'mon Zayn, we both know you're better than that." Liam says, still taunting Zayn as he continues to look at Louis. Louis smiles sadly at Zayn, one of his hands reaching up to touch his cheek. Zayn takes a deep breath before turning back towards Liam again. Liam's smirking beyond belief but it was only fro a second before Zayn finally took his swing.


"Are you alright?" Zayn asks quietly a few hours later, sitting down next to Louis on the stairs. Things had somewhat died down now, almost all the guests had left right after Zayn had practically kicked Liam's ass to the curb. They were really the only ones left. Niall was cleaning Harry up in the other room while Robbie was in the front room with all the children. Louis had been sitting at the stairs for about an hour or so, wanting to be alone and away from everyone for a little while.

"At the moment? No." Louis says honestly, shrugging a little as he bites his bottom lip. His knees were almost pressed against his chest, his arms resting on top of them as he stares at the wall in front of the stairs. Zayn lets out a sigh, feeling awkward sitting next to Louis. He wasn't sure what to say, he didn't want to make the situation any worse than it already was.

"I'm... I'm sorry that... I'm sorry that he did that to you..." Zayn says, really not knowing what else to say. He was still kind of in shock himself, he couldn't quite get it wrapped around his head what Liam had done to Louis.

"Yeah, I am too."

"Is... Is that why you left again?" Zayn ends up asking, biting at his lip as he looks over at Louis. This had been the first time they'd talked in over a year and Zayn felt like they were strangers almost. Louis takes a moment to answer, taking in a deep breath before nodding.

"Yeah." Louis whispers, refusing to look at Zayn as he does so.

"You should've told me."

"And then what? You wouldn't have been able to do anything about it, Zayn." Louis says, his voice a little bitter as he speaks. He wasn't angry with Zayn, he was angry at himself. He had let this whole thing practically ruin his life and now there was nothing he could do about it. Louis had seen how happy Zayn had been with Robbie, even if it had only been for a second but it was long enough to know that Louis didn't stand a chance.

Louis had left.

Zayn had moved on.

"You don't know that." Zayn says because he honestly feels like there was something he could've done. Louis lets out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose before he looks up at the ceiling.

"Does it matter if I do or not? I don't want to talk about this right now, Zayn. I really just... I want to be left alone."

"Okay... I won't talk about it then... but you shouldn't be alone... Why don't you come visit with the boys? They've... They've really missed you." Zayn says quietly, still feeling awkward but he really didn't think Louis should be alone right now.

"I've really missed them too..." Louis says just as quiet, looking towards the doorway of the front room longingly. He could hear the sounds of the twins giggling and talking, and he so desperately wanted to be in there.... but he was scared.


This chapter wasn't that dramatic tbh, which I guess is a good thing cause we could always use a break from drama lol.

Dedication goes to ziamislove93

QOTC: do you guys think Zayn and Louis will work things out?




Connie xx

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