The Story.

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The Kisaragi Students all made their towards the Mansion.

They notice it was close to nighttime.

Satoshi: I told you guys we should've tooken the bus. But noooo, no one ever wants to listen to me.

Yoshiki makes a grin before slapping Satoshi on the back.

Yoshiki: Come on Satoshi. Don't be like that.

Satoshi: Ow.

Seiko: Oh boy! We are almost there. I wonder what the house will look like.

Little did they know a shadowy figure was watching them. As soon as they walk towards his direction, he popped out of his hiding spot.

Satoru: Boo!

Satoshi: Aaaaaaah!

Students: Gaaaaaah!

Ayumi: Satoru?!

Satoru: Haha! I sure got you guys! You should've seen your face. Okay Tohru, you can come out, I'm done.

Tohru comes out of his hiding spot.

Tohru: Geez Onii-chan, you really sure gave them a fright. Espically Mochida...

Everyone looked at Satoshi who was on his butt. Everyone laughed at him.

Satoshi: It is not funny.

Naomi giggled as she helped him up.

Satoru and Tohru laughed at the scene.

Satoru Tendo is the older twin brother of Tohru. He is Ayumi's best friend and like her, he enjoys the occult. However he and his brother go to a different school than Kisaragi Senior High. He is close to his brother. He also excels in brains and sports. He gets straight A's. Satoru wants to become a researcher to the supernatural.

Tohru Tendo is Satoru's younger twin. He is loyal and caring for his big brother. He follows Satoru almost everywhere. It was rare to see the two not together. However there are at times where Tohru believes everyone cares for his brother more than him, including their parents. But Tohru loves his brother to be too jealous about it. Tohru wants to become a manga/doujin artist someday.

Ayumi: So Satoru, what are you guys doing here?

Tohru: Onii-chan wanted to check out this mansion.

Satoru: So it's a concidence bumping into you guys.

Yoshiki: Yeah. Concidence.

Satoru: So I'm aware you guys heard of the story of this mansion.

Ayumi: Not really, just the mass murders...

Satoru: Oh, you don't know the full story.

Naomi: What's the full story.

Satoru: It's about the family.

Mayu: Tell us!

Satoru: Okay. 50 years ago til today. There's was once a family that lives here. They were living together peacefully. But however one day. The youngest child of the family...Died...

K.Students: *Gasp*

Satoru: The youngest was the golden child of the family. Everyone loved her. Because of her death. Many horrible things begin to happen. Over the years. People were reporting that they can hear screams and cries echoing throughout the mansion. The neighbors called the police. The police went to go investigate, but however...They never found any evidence. No weapons, no bodies, no nothing...It was the family who lived there vanished without a trace. But over the next few years, people can still hear screams, cries, and voices coming there. So a few decided to go check it out. However....None of them come back.

Mayu: No way...


Satoru: Because of the disappearances...Police were bespectabled about the mansion but they decided not to go investigate. So they call this Japan's Most Haunted Mansion...A place...Where you can never come back....


Mayu: C-Class Rep...Are you sure...It's safe going in there...

Ayumi nods.

Ayumi: Don't worry its just a story, none of that's real. Right Satoru.

Satoru: Right. But from what I heard. The disappearances are real...It happend just a week ago. A man went exploring to the mansion...But he never came back...

Naomi: Okay. Now I'm scared...

Yoshiki: Can we just go check out this mansion already.

Suddenly there was a thunderflash and some of the students jumped.

Then rain begin to poor down.

Satoru: Shit! Lets hurry up and get inside!

The teenagers ran into the mansion for shelter!

We are haunted, not by reality, but by those images we have put in place....

A Haunting... (Corpse Party Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now