Stay Still

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B. Stay Still

Ayumi wanted to look behind her.

But her heart kept telling her not to look.

She felt a chill run down her spine and her face was pale as a ghost.

Ayumi: W-Whose there?

Ayumi was answered with silence. As if there was nothing there. But she can sense that something was behind her. She knows because her intuition is never wrong.

Suddenly the atmosphere in the hallway soon vanished.

Ayumi finally turned her head and looked behind her.

Nobody was there.

Ayumi lets out a sigh.

???: Shinozaki?

Ayumi: Kyaa!

Ayumi jumped and looked behind her to see Yoshiki.

Ayumi: Oh it's just you. (I thought he was Mochida for a second there.)

Yoshiki nods.

Yoshiki: Did something happend?

Ayumi decided to tell him the truth.

Ayumi: Well...Did you ever had the feeling you were being watched?

Yoshiki looks at in shock before nodding again.

Yoshiki: Ya know, I been feeling that way ever since. It's a hunch Shinozaki but what if the rumors are true?

Ayumi stared in fear.

Ayumi: Nooooo! That can't be possible!!! It was just a story wasn't it?!

Yoshiki jumped a little at Ayumi's outburst before he attempt to calm her down.

Yoshiki: Calm down Shinozaki.

Ayumi: B-But!

Yoshiki: Look, let's go back to the others. How about we wake them all up and try to deal with this situation. Because I do believe that there is something wrong with this house.

Ayumi: You're right.

Yoshiki: Okay, let's go wake the others.

Ayumi nods as she follows him.

Suddenly as Yoshiki runs off, Ayumi stopped and felt the cold chill come back again.

She felted that someone was at the end of the hallway.

She turned her head and saw nothing.

She just shooked her head believing it was just nerves.

She follows Yoshiki out of the hallways.

Beunknownest to her, A figure with long black hair and red eyes holding a knife was watching her leave.

To be continued...

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