Wrong End B

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The others charged through the hallways searching for Yuka! Her screams echoed throughout the mansion.

Yuka: HELP!!!

Satoshi: Yuka!!!!

Naomi: Yuka-chan!!

Yoshiki: Where the hell is she?!! This mansion is so fucking big!!

Ayumi: Come on we need to keep going! She could be in trouble!!!

Others: Hai!! (Yes!!)

The survivors went to the end of the hallway and saw a opening in the wall
Yoshiki: There could be something down there.....

Satoshi: I don't care I'm going. This is where I heard Yuka yell.

Naomi: Satoshi, I'm going in!

Satoshi: But-!!

Ayumi: Don't worry Mochida-kun. I'll follow her. If we see Yuka-chan, we'll get her out!


Yoshiki: Good luck you two...If anything else is down there. Holler. Okay.

Girls: Right!

Naomi and Ayumi went into the hole to look for Yuka. But it was dark in there. So Naomi turn on her phone and use it as a flashlight. The two walk around for seem like hours until They saw a familar little girl wearing a smock...It saw Yuka...

Naomi: Yuka!!

Ayumi: Yuka-chan! Thank Lord you're alright.

Yuka: .........

Naomi: Yuka?

Yuka: .........

Ayumi: Yuka, what's wrong?

Yuka: .........

Do you really trust your friends?

Yuka then mysteriously vanished.

Naomi: Eh?!! Where she go?!!


Naomi: Class Rep?


Naomi: Class Rep...What's wrong?

Suddenly, to Naomi's horror, Ayumi pulled out a large sharp knife. Where in the world did she get that!

Naomi: Class Rep! What are y-?!!!


Naomi: *Gasp* Gack! Ack!

Ayumi: Hehehehe...Hahahaha...

Naomi: N-Noooooooooo!

*Stab* *Stab*


Ayumi continued to stab Naomi through her abdomen before forcefully pulling it all the way towards her heart.

Naomi screams echoed throughout the dark abyss before it all died out. Before everything faded into black, she saw the abnormal look Ayumi give her.

 Before everything faded into black, she saw the abnormal look Ayumi give her

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Ayumi: Hehehehe~!...Mochida-kun is all mine....Hahahahahaha~!

Wrong End

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