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Satoshi walks over to the door.

He was about to open the door when all of a sudden it opened.

Voice: Anybody still here? Go home children...Hahahahahaha!!!

Everyone: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah?!!!!

The lights came on and it revealed Ms. Yui, Miyu, and Yuka.

Yui: Ha. I sure got you guys.

Satoshi: Yui-Sensei? *Sigh...*

Naomi: Satoshi...

Satoshi: Huh?

Naomi: *Angry* What do you think you're grabbing on?

Satoshi looked and realized he's grabbing Naomi's breasts. Everyone was staring...

Satoshi: S-S-Sorry!!!

Yuka: Onii-chan!

Miyu: Mochida!

Satoshi: Ah. Yuka?! Miyu?!

Yuka walked over to hug him.

Satoshi: What are you doing here?!

Miyu: You might say that's my idea. Seiko told me you guys were here. So I ask Yui-Sensei and Yuka tocome along. So if Mochida has any problems with someone scaring him. I'll protect him.

Satoshi: Miyu-san...Heh. Thanks.

Naomi looked over at Yuka.

Naomi: So is she a middle schooler?

Satoshi: Yep. Everyone this is Yuka Mochida, my sister.

Yuka: Hello, nice to meet you all. Thank you for taking care of my big brother!

Girls, Satoru, and Tohru: Kawaii!!!


After Yuka was introduced to the group. The group decided to tell Ms. Yui, Miyu, and Yuka what's going on.

Yui: So this place might be haunted.

Satoru: Possibly...We had a few encounters...But we still don't know...

Satoshi: I just want to get outta this place quickly...

Satoru: What's wrong Mochida, you scared? *Chuckles Evilly*

Satoshi: N-No!

Miyu: Don't worry Mochida. I'll protect you! No ghosts is going to get past me when I'm on the job!

Satoshi: Miyu-san, you really are a good friend...

Miyu: Hehehe...

Seiko: Awww...You too are so cute together.

Mayu: Can we just leave...

Yui: Yes you guys can. The rain isn't pouring down that much. We can leave now.

Mayu: Yes. I can't wait to leave right Shig-nii!

Morishige nods.

Ayumi: Okay, let's-!!


Thunder quickly came and then the lights went out.

Satoshi: E-Eh?!

Tohru: What's going on?!!

Mayu: I'm scared....

Suddenly everyone heard whispering...But no one was whispering...It sounded more like a child's whisper...

Suddenly everyone heard a creepy voice that will forever scar them...


Ayumi: Anna?...

Then a massive earthquake had appeared and the group begin to freak out.

Yui: Everyone take cover!

Suddenly, the earthquake stopped.

Satoru: It's gone...

Tohru: What's going on...Nii-chan I want to go home...

Satoru: Yeah...Let's I think i had enough scares myself...

Ms. Yui opened the door and to everyone shock, the whole entire mansion looked completly different.

It was still dark...

But you can smell blood and rottenly corpses nearby...

Satoshi: W-What is going on?!

Mayu: Everyone, let's get outta here!

Everyone bolted towards the door as Satoshi try to pry it open.

But it's stuck....

Satoshi: It...It won't open!

Yuka: Onii-chan....

Naomi and Seiko: What?!!!

Yoshiki and Satoru went towards the windows.

But like the door...They wouldn't open.

Everyone now realized they're trapped.

Ayumi: No! No! This can't be happening!

Naomi: Hey calm down. What happend to Class Rep that loved scary things?

Ayumi: But not while we're in one!!!

Yoshiki: Shhh...It's okay Shinozaki, calm down.

Satoru: G-Guys...

Everyone gave Satoru their attention as he pointed towards the wall...That had another message on it...

....That was covered in blood...


Satoru: W-What is this place?!!!

Tohru: Nii-chan, calm down!

Everyone had fear in their eyes as they can't believe this was happening to all of them...

All 12 of them were trapped...

Naomi: There has to be a logical explaination for all of this!!

Satoshi looked and saw something on the table, it looked like a newspaper.

Satoshi: Yuka, can you go see, what's that on the table....

Yuka nods as she walk towards the table and looked at the newspaper.

Yuka: It says March 19, 1957....

Everyone eyes went wide...

That's like 50-60 years ago!

Miyu: W-What are we going to do?!

Yoshiki: We should look for a way out...

To be continued....

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