B. Don't Open Yet

158 13 4

B. Don't Open Yet

Yuka wonders if it's safe to open the closet.

Her brain kept telling her it could be a bad idea.

She has to find her Onii-chan and fast.

But Morishige could be out there.

The footsteps got closer....

Then she heard a voice...

It was Morishige...

Morishige: Where are you?....Come on out.....


Morishige growls when he didn't get the satisfaction he needed.

Morishige: Fine....Where ever you are...I have no time for this...I need to find Mayu....

His footsteps then echoed away from a distance before Yuka could confirm he's gone...

Yuka: Whew....

Yuka open the closet door...So far there was nothing but silence...

She was relief to see that Morishige waa gone...

Yuka: I need to find Onii-chan and the others...I hope their safe...This time...Yuka...You have to be brave for Onii-chan...

Yuka begin to look around for her big brother...

Yuka: Onii-chan! ONII-CHAN?!!


Yuka sighs begin to walk in a different direction...

Little did she know...A shadowy figure of a child begin to follow her...

To be continued...

A Haunting... (Corpse Party Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt