Best Friends No More....

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Naomi begins to wake up.

Naomi: Huh?......

She looked around the room but there was no sign of Seiko anywhere.

Then all of a sudden she heard the door slam!

She looked at the door expecting it to be her twin curly-haired friend. But nothing...

Naomi: Seiko?

She continued to stare at the door...Little did she know...A shadowy figure was right behind her...

Naomi felt someone was behind her.

She turned her head to see a shocking sight.

It was a ghost child of a boy who looked about 10-12 years old with blood coming out of his mouth. One of his eyes were missing. He had short brown hair with a dark soulless eye. Wearing a dark shirt with large sleeves over a white shirt. Dark shorts, white socks, and brown shoes. The sight he gave her was horrifying! Depsite his appearance, he gave Naomi a death glare. If looks could kill, she would've join him on the other side.

Naomi: Aaaaaah!!!!

Naomi fell off the bed and scramble for the door. She then noticed it was locked!

Naomi: WHAT?! NO!!


Naomi looked behind her to see the boy who appearance now looked deadly. He even had a pair of bloody scissors with him.

Naomi stares in horror.

Naomi: SEIKO!!!

Hoping her friend would come to save her, she clawed at the door hoping to somehow break it down. She notice the ghost child getting closer....And closer....And closer...

Each time the child got closer, was a step of Naomi's soon to be demise.

Seiko: NAOMI!!!!!

Naomi gasps as she heard Seiko's voice calling her?! Was she in trouble?! Naomi decided to use all her might to get the door to open. She uses her fingers to break the hinges off the door. Since it was a old home, the door would've been able to not hold that long.

Then...She finally got out.

Naomi: Whoa!

She felled to the ground. Then she looked at the ghost boy who gave her a murderess look.

Boy:..I'll....I'll Kill You!!

Naomi screamed and ran away, along the way, she kept tripping due to her ankle still being sore.

She finally stopped as she was exhausted...

Seiko: Naomi!!!

Seiko finally showed up and came to Naomi's aide.

Naomi: ....Sei...ko..

Seiko: Naomi! Are you alright?!

Naomi glares at her which causes Seiko to flinch. Seiko was shock, Naomi would never ever glared at her like that!

Naomi: Where were you?!!! I was almost going to be killed?!! You said you would stay by my side!!! FRIENDS FOREVER MY ASS!!! There is no hope! We can't escape this place as we all are going to die!!!

Seiko: Naomi...I...


Naomi finally calm down as Seiko just stared in shock.

Seiko: I understand...I only wanted to keep you safe...But then you....I'm sorry if I was a nuisance!

Seiko ran away crying.

Naomi stared in shock.

Naomi: What....What have I done?!
Seiko, wait!!!

But it was too late, Seiko was already out of Naomi's sight before she could say anything else...

Naomi felt tears coming from her eyes. She wanted to apologize to Seiko and beg her to come back. But...

Suddenly Naomi heard voices surrounding...

Then she hears them in her head. She clutched in head in pain trying to block them out. But they continue to whisper to her before she passed out on the ground.

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