Love and Hate

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There's no escape...

There's no heaven...

This is hell...

You will all die...

You can't leave......


....el...Me....Help Me...

Your souls will remain forever trapped!

Endless Pain...

Endless Suffering...

Never be able to be free....

....Help Us....


Ayumi felled to the ground exhausted...

So many voices...Whispering to her in her mind...

She couldn't take it...

She wants to get outta this mansion.

Yoshiki: Shinozaki! Are you okay?!

Ayumi: Kishinuma?

Satoru: Thank God! You scared us half to death.

Ayumi: Satoru...Tohru...I'm fine...I just had a little nightmare...

Ayumi then realize her face was close to Yoshiki's.

....Oh boy....

Yoshiki: *Gulp* S-Shinozaki...W-Why do you look angry?

Ayumi: You....

Satoru:....Oh no...Tohru...You might wanna cover your ears....and your eyes if that's possible...


Ayumi's fist collided towards Yoshiki's face.

Yoshiki: Ow! What was that for?!

Ayumi: Pervert! Baka! You're not human!!! You try to make a move on me!

Yoshiki: What?! No I didn't!!.

Ayumi: Yes you did! Augh, you're the worst! Mochida will never act like this!

Satoru: Ayumi...I think you're over-reacting...Kishinuma was only trying to see if you were alright...I believe he's not that type of person...

Tohru: Y-Yeah...You shouldn't jump to conclusions like that...


Satoru: ^^;...(I have a feeling she's not going to apologize, is she?...)


The four students jumped at the source of the voice.

Yoshiki: That was Nakashima!!

Tohru: S-She could be in trouble...

Satoru: We better go see if she and the others are alright.

Ayumi: N-No I'm scared....

Yoshiki: Don't worry, I'm here. Everything is going to be okay.

Ayumi: But Mochida not here!!

Yoshiki makes a small frown at that. The twins just raised an eyebrow. Ayumi just started crying.

Yoshiki: (But Satoshi isn't here to protect you....That's my job for now on. I'll be the one to protect you Shinozaki. Even if I have to beat this Mansion.)

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