A Gorey Demise

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(Mayu's Pov)

As I walked through dark hall ways I began to think how on earth I managed to get lost, it was only awhile ago that I was with Shig-nii and the others before...Before...Yui-Sensei was attacked b-by a ghost! We all ran in different directions before I knew it everyone was gone. they're probably to caught up in their fear to even notice I'm missing. I hop Shig-nii or someone alive would find me...I stopped walking and leaned against the wall and slid down, my stomach began to growl, I couldn't really tell how sore my stomach was from hunger, I just wish I had something to eat, anything! I then cupped my face into my hands and began to quietly sob.

"M-Mom... m-mom, I m-miss you... Shinozaki-chan...Mochida-kun..."

I cried between gasps of air

"S-Shig-nii".... I began to cry louder...

No! Get ahold of your self Mayu! I'm not giving up, I'm getting out of here, I'm not dying here like Yui-Sensei! I'm strong... I'm very strong, my Mom always told me to think of happy memories when I'm sad...last week, walking to school, with Shig-nii, hand and hand...I was talking to him about his acting in the drama club and how to cheer him up when he feels down or if he thinks he thinks he's not doing a good job....

Okay.... time to get up and get out of this mansion...I have to find the others....As far I know they could be worried sick about me...
I stood up and wiped my tears and put on of my brightest smiles, though I'm sure I still looked like a coward. I started walking forward once again, during my travel I started hearing faint whispers.

"Suzumoto-san!" Some one whispered

I turned around slowly, thinking someone was down the hall. Nope... nothing... I shook it off and continued to walk

"Mayu! It's me Morishige!"

A real smile crept onto my face, I looked around excited to see him!

Me: Shig-nii?! Where are you?

"Morishige":Mayu, hurry!"

Me: What? Where are you?!

"Morishige": Down the hall! Quickly!

Down the hall..? I didn't even question what just happened, I quickly kept running and running until I hit a dead end.

"Shig-nii?" I said

This time I got no answer. I looked into the class room next to me, something... was telling me to go in, I don't know... something inside me. As I reached out to turn the door handle I heard something from further back down the hall, a moaning type sound.... I looked down and saw a figure in the darkness coming my way, I froze up....

This wasn't Shig-nii.......

It was that woman who killed Yui-Sensei!!

(Author's Pov)

As Mayu stare in horror, she makes one of the most evilest smile on her face that chills down the girl's spine...

She then points at her.

Mayu: Eh?

Then all of a sudden, four ghost children put out...Each of them of knives in the hands and they charged at Mayu!

Mayu: Nooooo!!!

She ran for the door but then it closed and locked on it's own!!

Mayu: No! Noooooo! Someone help!! Shig-nii!!!

Suddenly a hand grab her arm and pulled her towards the ground! She was then ambushed by the children as they all surrounding her with evil yet childish smirks on their faces.

Mayu tried moving her arms and legs but two of the children both have her limbs pinned down as the other two children had their knives closed to her face...

Mayu: (Someone....Anybody....Shig-nii....Save Me!!!)

Then she felt a sharp pain went towards her abdomen!


The pain got worse. Each time Mayu tried to move. The pain becomes unbearable. The ghost children were stabbing Mayu through the abdomen. They continued pushing in as blood gushed out of Mayu. The whole room was filled with Mayu's screams.

Mayu: It hurts! Stop it!!! It hurts!!!!

All the children did was giggle and then begin to put their hands inside of her digging into her open stomach like a doctor would when your having surgery. But the patient has to be asleep. But Mayu was fully awake.

Mayu: No! Shig-n-AAAAAAAAAAAH?!!

Each of the children begin to pulled out Mayu-'s intestines...Then continued to put their hands inside of her playing with insides.

Mayu: Gack! Aah! N...No...

She was hoping someone would come...

But no did......

She was left alone to die...

In such of gorey demise...

Her last wish is for her corpse to be discover by Morishge first...

Mayu: Sh...ig...Ni.....I...L..ve...Yu..........

???: Hehehe.....She looks so beautiful in red....

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