Epilogue Part Trois: New Life

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A/N: This is shit and I don't even know why I'm posting it but I just thought I'd let you all know I haven't forgotten and I will try and write more and more. The last few months have been crazy- I've been overseas, had a big few months of uni and just really a lot has changed this year and I have no idea what's going on anymore so I'm trying to reconnect to my 1D obsession so thought I'd do a bit of writing. This is really dodgy, I didn't even edit it and it's gonna take me a little bit to get back into the swing of writing anyway but I promise there's still a few chapters to come to finish off the journey of Haz and Lola.

"WHERE IS HE?!" Sweat was dripping down my blotchy, red face. I was squeezing my eyes shut as my mind was praying for the pain to stop soon. It stopped for a moment but before I could get my breath back it started again. Another contraction.

"He's almost here," Gem caressed my sweat-drenched hair, her cold hand providing some relief against my hot skin as her fingers brushed my cheek and she looked down at me.

"And my parents?"

"Almost," she said, trying to sound reassuring but her voice sounded like even she knew that wasn't a good enough answer.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I scream, my voice sounding completely unfamiliar and the terrifying tone ringing in my ears.

Nothing has ever hurt so bad.

"Keep breathing Charlotte, you're doing great."


"He'll be here any second, I promise." Gem is checking her phone every second, in this moment she is my favourite person. It could be because she's the only one here. The Doctor said one person only, Anne and Gem have been on rotation for the past 10 hours. TEN HOURS.


Everything hurts.

This is the worst thing in the world.

Why is this a thing?
I should have done the surgery thing.

Oh God.

Ten hours. Ten hours of this hell and still no Harry and still no Mum and Dad.

How far away is LA anyway?

I shouldn't have let him go.

Why won't my brain shut the fuck up this is the most important event of my life and I can't even enjoy it while he's still on a plane.

"He just landed. He's coming from Heathrow now." Gem gives me an update as I try and breathe in time with the Doctor.

"Okay, I've just got to hold out until he gets here. Then we can get the show on the road." I joke, knowing full well that these babies could come at any second now.




How the fuck am I going to handle TWO?

5 months earlier.

"And....there's a heartbeat." Dr Louise looked up at us with a grin, guiding the ultrasound thingy over my lower abdomen, Harry and I turned to each other smiling like the quintessential married couple hearing their baby's heartbeat for the first time.

"And there's the other heartbeat." Dr Louise's expression falters for a second, turning towards us with a "you know what that means" sort of grin.

"2 heartbeats?" I question, panic setting in.

"Our baby is a mutant?" Harry jokes.

"Twins Harry!" I explain exasperatedly.

"Twins?" His eyes bulge, staring at me with so much excitement crossing the perfect features on his face.

"Twins." Dr Louise confirms.

"I thought twins was a genetic thing though? Neither of us have any twins in our family."
"Lola can you not jump to searching for a scientific reason to everything, we're having two babies!" Harry would probably jump for joy if he wasn't in a Doctor's office, he gives me and over the top hug as best as he can.

"To answer your question Charlotte," Dr Louise is trying not to laugh at Harry, "there are rare occasions where there isn't a pre-existing history of twins in the family, I guess it has to start somewhere." She says with a warm smile, continuing with the ultrasound.

"Twins?" I looked up at Harry, "can we handle twins?" I bite my lip, the excitement and stress of having one baby was going to be enough, now it's amplified by a hundred. Two. Two babies.

"Baby, you and me? We can handle anything." He grins, planting kisses all over my face.

"Harrrry not in front of the Doctor," I squeal, fighting off the butterflies in my stomach as I push him away.


"Gemma if your brother doesn't walk through that door in the next 2 seconds I'm divorcing him!" I scream, my hands curling around her wrist in an attempt to release some of the pain coursing through my body.

"One Mississippi...tw-"

"Hey baby..." Harry walks in at just the right time, looking cool calm and collected as his long coat sweeps along behind him.

He rushes to my side, forcing Gem to move out of the way so he can be front and centre of the action.

"You were very close to being divorced my love." I say through clenched teeth as he bends down to kiss my cheek and put his hand on my sweaty forehead.

"Good thing you signed that pre-nup." He winks. "How you going?" His voice is so calm and so deep it makes me forget for a second about the current level of pain I'm in.


28 hours. 28 hours of labour.

There is not an ounce of energy left in my body.

My arms are barely strong enough to cradle the baby in my arms.

She's pink, and perfect. Her skin is soft, and she looks so sweet in the swaddle cloth the nurse had wrapped her in.

28 hours of pain, and all worth it. My heart has never felt more full, my cheeks have never hurt more from smiling, and I have never felt more connected to Harry in my entire life.

We made this.

I look up at him, he holds in his arms our second bundle of perfection. A boy.

Gemma takes the baby out of my arms, claiming I need to rest but I think she just wants to start showering her with affection.

"I suppose we should think of names..." Harry grins, handing me the baby boy in his arms.

"I suppose so..."

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