Chapter 39: 1975 Reasons Not To Go Out in Manchester

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A/N: This one is for katie.

28 Days

Harry: Just got to Brazil, will call you when I have a sec. love you xxx

Lola: Can't wait.

27 Days

Harry: Sorry I never called. Things have been crazy. missing you heaps, let me know when you're free to chat. Love you xxx

Lola: That's okay, i understand. I miss you too, can't wait to talk. Love you xxx

26 Days

"You look like shit." Alice laughs, placing a coffee on the desk in front of me.

"You know, you don't get nearly as much credit for being nice as you deserve. Really, you are just so lovely." I say, dead-panned.

"Sarcasm in full swing I see, must've been a long night."

"You have no idea. I was up waiting for Harry to call but he never did so I just stayed up doing assignments like all night. Which has both pros and cons because now I have nothing to do, but also now I have nothing to do." Distractions are nice, but I'm running out of them.

"You seem wrecked. Maybe you should sleep?"

"Can't." I say definitively, taking a sip of the coffee she brought me.

"Why not?" She asks, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Because of that!" I exclaim, pointing at the countdown.

"You miss him?" She asks, a solemn tone to her voice as she chews on her lip.

"I can't even describe it. We're not even half way and I feel like some huge part of me is missing. Like he took the happy part of me with him when he left."

"Shit, that sucks. It's funny that people think your relationship is fake. If only they saw what I saw." She raises her coffee cup in the air as if toasting the emotional pain my relationship seems to doll out on a daily basis.

"Yeah. Hilarious." I scoff, "I fucking wish it was fake. Would hurt a hell of a lot less." I pick up my phone again, checking for any word from Harry. Still nothing.

I thought talking everyday was the cure to this horrible long-distance illness but we can't even manage that. Medicine doesn't work if you don't take it.

"You need to get out of this room. It's only going to drive you more insane."

"I know. I wish my parents were in the country, or I wish I had more friends I could go and see. Like my options are Linda, who lives in LA so that's not plausible. And Gemma, who is female Harry and I love her but I don't think I could be around her right now because I could potentially lick her face that's how much I miss Harry."

"Yeah but she could also help you not miss him so much."

"Yeah, I might call her next week, I miss London. Maybe I should go to London." I shrug, not really giving it too much thought.

"Yeah, you said it yourself you have nothing to do."

"Hmm, I'll think about it." I tell her, not making her any promises.

"Well, until then, I'm taking you out tonight!" She jumps off the bed excitedly, as if she's had a lightbulb moment idea.

"I think Harry's calling tonight." I say, clenching my teeth at her as if to say 'soz babe not gonna happen.'

"That's what you said, and you're still waiting. Come on Lola, you came to uni for a reason, I guarantee it wasn't to sulk about Harry Styles. While you sit and wait around, he's living his life. You should too."

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