Chapter 55

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"I still cant believe you are here." I couldn't contain my smile while I kept my stare on him the whole ride back to his place.

"I told you I was coming today, didnt I?" He chuckled sweetly showing three little crinckles under each one of his eyes. He is so beautiful when he laughs.

"Yeah but I thought I would be the one to come surprise you." I frowned a little in disappointment.

"I couldn't be in the same city as you you and not have you with me. Ive been away too long." He was so cheesy but he made my heart melt.

"Corny." I tried to tease him as I know I couldnt top how a romantic sucker he was.

"Only for you babe." He winked at me. I wanted to roll my eyes at him just to emphasis my point but I couldn't help but smile. I was sucker for his romance.

Our little moment was interrupted by my phone ringtone. Searching my bag, I finally found my phone. It was Seif. That's odd. I was just with him not even 15 minutes ago.

"Hello?" I answered with a hint of worry and confusion in my voice which grabbed Zayn's attention.

"Hey, Maggie." Seif's voice came from the other end a bit dry notngiving anything away.

"Hey, Seif. Is everything alright?" I asked worriedly. Perhaps somethign happened in the exam hall after I left or even something happened with his sister and he wanted my help.

"I was going to ask you that. You left the exam too quickly and when I finished I couldn't find you. I searched everywhere for you. Are you okay?" Worry was lacing his voice as each word left his mouth. He seemed genuinely concerned and I felt bad for just leaving like that and not even considering sending him a text.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to go home thats it. Zayn just got back and I wanted to see him. I didnt mean to worry you." I was really feeling guilty about the whole situation. Zayn raise one eyebrow at me while I talked making me raise a finger at him signalling him to wait.

"Oh, well, yeah of course. Thats perfectly fine. Have a nice time and Eid Mubarak for tomorrow." He rushed his words as if nervous for whatever reason. I hope I didnt embarrass him by my words. He meant well and I didnt meant to make him feel stupid for caring.

"Thank you, Seif. For calling and again sorry I worried you. Eid mubarak to you as well." I reassured him that I didn find it a sweet gesture. It always felt nice to know someone cared.

"Its okay. I have to go now, Im picking up Mahinoor." He said in his normal tune of voice making me relieved. He didn't feel bad.

"Okay, tell her I said hey. See you after Eid." I smiled but it dropped as soon as I noticed the look on Zayn's face.

"In Sha' Allah."

Once we hung up, I was facing a weird looking Zayn who had stopped the car completely to just focus on my conversation.

His body was turned to face me and his face had an unreadable expression on with one eyebrow raised at me. "What?"

"You are with me, you know. You can't just talk to some other guy." He said aggravated.

"Its not 'just some other guy', it's Seif." I shrugged feeling a bit defensive.

"Oh it's Seif. Pardon me." He chuckled coldly a hint of jealousy in his voice. Usually it would make me happy but god, it was getting really annoying.

"Why are you acting like that?" I was frustrated with his tone of voice. It wasnt like I was straight out flirting with him.

"What did he even want?" He changed the subject yet his tone was still agressive but I choose to ignore it, not wanting to fight over something that wasn't really worth it.

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now