6. Frail And Barely Alive.

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Hey guys!!! Here's my new chapter!!! I hope you'll like it :)

That's Chad by the way.



My wolf whined when we sensed the silver. All of us just stood there staring at the naked girl in shock. Each one of us wanted to step forward and help but the silver had us rooted to our spots. Only one man would have been able to free her. He had stood stiff, drinking in what he saw.

Now he knelt with her in his arms. I watched in awe as he gently slipped his shirt over her, covering her body from us. I was thankful. She didn't resemble the girl in the picture at all. Alpha Kaveh's sister had looked alive and beautiful and the poor thing in front of me looked like she was hanging by a thread. By her words before, it had been clear that she had been sexually abused by this Sloan. My heart twisted at the site of her. It was not a sight that any man with a decent bone in his body could stand to see.  The anger inside me bubbled when I thought of what these men might have done to her. My wolf growled and snapped in disgust at what had been done to her.

I watched as Alpha slid one arm around her back and the other under her knees. He studied her face while he was at it and just as he was about to pick her up, she looked up at him. They both froze. I watched as the Alpha's body tensed and he stared at her intently in shock as she stared right back at him. Before I could figure out what was going on, she slumped in his arms. He stared at her for another moment before an Earth-shattering growl erupted from him.

He was angry. I could tell from the way his body shook and the veins in his neck popped. He was about to shift and I had to stop him because the last time this happened...someone close to both of us had gotten hurt. There was no doubt now that if he shifted, his anger would rule him and he would hurt her.

"Alpha?" I called but he didn't seem to hear me. I walked forward and placed an arm on his shoulder.

"ALPHA!!" I mind-linked him and his head snapped up to face me. 

I almost took a step back at the sight of him. His usually cold grey eyes were silver and his fangs had sunken out. I remembered clearly the last time I had seen him like this. It still gave me nightmares. Sure sometimes when he was irritated his eyes would turn silver but it was more of a dull silver so unless you knew what to look for or were very observant you wouldn't see it.  Right now I had to get the others from my pack out of here or they could get hurt. 

"Get out." I mind-linked them and hesitantly, they left. 

We stared at each other. Why was he so angry? Because of the state that we found her in? I understood that because so was I...no woman should have been treated like this but it was not like him to lose his cool over anything. Did it bring back memories? Perhaps..

But as I knelt down in front of him with the girl in between us, I saw something in his eyes. Something I hadn't seen for so long that I'd almost forgotten what it looked like...anguish. But why? Did he know her? No. I would have known about it. Then I thought back to when they had stared at each other and the shock on his face and something clicked. My eyes moved between one and the other. His were on her now and I had to resist the urge to cringe at the pained expression on his face. It couldn't be....she couldn't be his...

"Mate?" I asked and he shut his eyes tight, pulling her closer to him.


We watched as the doctor examined her. Most werewolves lived their lives in anticipation of the day that they found their mate. Not this man next to me though. He was made Alpha at fifteen and even before that he had barely had a childhood. He never talked about it and neither did I. It was not something either of us liked to think about. Barely anyone else knew anything about his past. He had after all had to rebuild this pack from its ashes.

The scariest thing about him was that he never raised his voice and he never lost his temper. A few hours back was the first time in seven years that I had seen him so close to losing control. The last time...I shuddered at the memory.

His wolf was deadly. So black he almost looked an inky blue, larger than any other wolf I'd ever laid eyes on and merciless. It was a wonder that he had any control over it.

My Alpha had no time for women. Sure he had his share of them but sex was all it ever amounted to. A mate was definitely out of the question. He grew up with the weight of the world on his shoulders and being his best friend as long as I have, I'd often marvelled at how he'd never crumbled underneath it. But now that this frail and barely alive girl was his mate, what would our next step be?

"What now?" I asked him.

"Call the brother." He replied.

I nodded and just as I was about to hit the name Kaveh on my contact list, the door flew open and my mate, Alyssa came hurtling towards me. My arms automatically went around her and I pressed her to me as hard as I could inhaling her familiar scent as I pressed my face into her hair. I kissed her possessively before I let her go. With her pale skin, auburn hair and green eyes she was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. Leaving me, she went to the Alpha and gently put her arms around him. I watched him tense but he didn't pull away. The first time she had done that I feared he would kill her but he didn't. He made it seem like he spared her only because she was my mate but I knew deep, deep, deep down in that bottomless pit I liked to call his heart, he had a soft spot for her just as he did for me.

I hit the name Kaveh on my phone as Alyssa turned to the girl in the bed and gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. Kaveh picked up on the third ring. 

"We have her. Come." With that, I cut the call.

He was there in record time along with his mate. I had the third in command, Jake, lead them to the pack hospital where I met them outside her room.

"How is she?" He asked trying to push past me. I put my hand on his shoulder to hold him in place and he growled at me.

"Listen to me Alpha," I said gently but firmly and he looked at me in anger. I was keeping him from his sister.  "It's pretty bad. You need to brace yourself...and be strong for her when she wakes up." 

I saw the worry in his eyes and I pitied him greatly for what he was about to witness. 

"He will." It was his mate who said this as she stepped forward and put her hand in his. Although there was conviction in her voice, there was fear in her eyes. I moved aside as they made their way to the door. I didn't bother informing them that their baby sister was mated to their worst nightmare.

We entered and Alpha Aleksy's back was to us, his posture as tense and stiff as when he'd first laid eyes on her.

"The doctor needs more time to tell us how severe the damage is." He said when he heard us walk in, his voice coated with barely concealed anger.

"I'll leave you to it and you can meet me in my study when you're ready." He said, turning swiftly on his heel and walking out not bothering to grace the couple with even a glance. I followed him and the last thing I heard before I shut the door gut-wrenching sob.


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