10. She Says Your Name In Her Sleep.

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Hey guys!! Here's the update!! Hope you like it. :)

Two weeks and we were no closer to finding Sloan. It was like he'd disappeared into thin air.

I ran my hand through my hair for the millionth time. Fatigue was quickly catching up to me. By day I was dealing with pack-related work and by night I was out looking for him.

I had killed at least thirty-five rogues in the past two weeks. Any rogues that weren't of any use to me weren't of use to anybody.

Sustaining on four hours of sleep, I could feel the effects now in the heaviness of my eyes.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. By the scent, I knew it was Chad. "Come in," I said under my breath knowing he would hear me.

He walked in and slid into a chair opposite my desk.
"Anything? " I asked and he shook his head, sighing.

"I talked to Kaveh." He said and I frowned at him.

" Why are you talking to him? " I asked

"Checking up on your mate," he replied shrugging. "You know, something you're supposed to be doing." He said and I narrowed my eyes.
"Well, do you wanna know how she's doing?" He asked.

I gave him a blank look and he sighed.
Memories of her battered body and her voice as she begged me not to hurt her anymore plagued every dream and waking thought but I wouldn't let it show and he knew it.

"She has recovered, the only remaining scars are the burn marks on her wrists." He said and I looked down at my own hands. I had, had matching scars on my palms from where I'd touched the silver. They were long gone now, but for her, I didn't know how long it would take. Those scars had felt like my only connection to her.

"She has returned to training although she's too weak to overcome her opponents. Kaveh says that she's finding being so weak difficult. It's not something she's used to. Her stomach is getting used to the increased portions of food. Her colour has come back and she's put on some weight but not nearly enough. Also...she says your name in her sleep a lot."

My eyes snapped up to his at that and he grinned.
"Kidding. She doesn't let anyone stay with her at night. Claims it's the only time she can be alone."

I resisted the urge to bang his useless head against the table and he grinned again, probably guessing what I had in mind.

"You seem pretty chummy with Kaveh," I said.

" Jealous?" He asked, smiling and I rolled my eyes.

I watched him stiffen when there was another knock on the door.

"Maybe if we ignore her she'll go away." He said loudly.

"I heard that!!" Came a whiny voice from outside.

"That's the point," he calls back.  "Take a hint."

I sighed and asked her to come in. The door opened to reveal Cassidy in her tight button-down shirt and an excuse for a skirt. Her heels were so high that it was a wonder she hadn't broken her ankles yet.

"I'm out," Chad said getting up to leave and I nodded, thanking him.

"Baby!! I was wondering if you wanna, you know...let off some steam? I could help?" She said with a gleam in her eyes. 

I growled under my breath.  As Alpha, I couldn't deny anyone who wanted to talk to me but this woman was relentless. I never slept with a woman from my pack. It would just be too much trouble later but Cassidy never seemed to understand that.

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