34. Afterglow.

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Hey kids!

So, here's the new chapter. It gets more exciting I promise...I just needed to set the stage. I hope you guys like it anyway and the next chapter will be up soon hopefully. 

I have no idea why I'm telling you'll information that you'll could really do without but I'm listening to the song Driver by Charles Kelly and it's my favourite song at the moment so I was just wondering...what are your favourite songs? Maybe lemme know?

ALSO!! Have fun reading  :). I don't know why I'm in such a good mood.

Shutting up now I promise. Enjoy, comment and all that good stuff. Unedited.



When I opened my eyes the sun was no longer beating down, it was more of a warm glow spilling through the curtains, lighting up the dust particles in its way. It was something I had believed to be magical as a child...a notion that I eventually grew out of. But I couldn't help but once again find it magical as I lay in the afterglow of a different kind of magic. My head lay on Aleksy's bare chest and I could feel the colour bloom in my cheeks as the delicious soreness that my body was currently feeling brought the memories back. 

What had begun as a really shitty day had inevitably wound up to be one of the best. Slowly, careful not to wake Aleksy, I reached up to feel the mark on my neck. It was still tender and just touching it sent tingles down to the base of my stomach. It had been unlike anything I'd ever felt, it had been what had finally pushed me over the edge and I knew that it had been the same way for him.

I had been so afraid but he had been there every step of the way. I remembered the way his mouth felt against my skin and a shiver of pleasure at the memory ran through me . Every time that I had begun to lose myself and fall back into my own mind, he was there and he pulled me out, constantly letting me know that he would never let anything happen to me...constantly reminding me that it was him. 

It had been so different from what I had experienced in the past. He had made me feel like he couldn't get enough of me. For the first time since getting abducted, I truly felt beautiful. I felt precious, like he needed me, like he was addicted to me, that I was his drug...and he was mine. When he had been about to enter me, I was riddled with fear. Suddenly I was not seeing Aleksy, I was seeing Sloan. Disgust washed over me, but then, just like that it was gone. Aleksy had pulled me into his arms and softly brought me back, telling me that I was great and that it was enough but I knew he was lying. I could feel his desire. I blushed harder at the memory of when I realised that he was still extremely aroused. In spite of my fear though, I still wanted him. My body had craved his and I had let him know. This time it was better. Putting me in charge had admittedly helped. 

My body had nearly exploded in desire at having been connected with his. It had still been a little painful in the beginning because well...I think we can all imagine why...and it wasn't long before he needed to take control again. He'd asked me to open my eyes and look at him. His eyes burned and pulsed silver, echoing my need. The small part of me that could still form a rational, coherent thought couldn't help but marvel at his beauty. The darkness of his hair, the strength of his jaw, his sun-kissed skin. His face seemed to have been carved by the Moon Goddess herself...and he was mine. It was the simple way in which he looked at me, like he was as in awe of me as I was of him that told me that losing him was the one thing I didn't have to fear.

I was aware that this probably wasn't how he usually was. Slow and careful. He was an Alpha, which meant he had an inborn need to dominate and slow and sensual wasn't his thing. He had taken care to give and give and take nothing but next time, I would give just as much. I bit my lip in embarrassment. Here we were lying after having done the deed twice and I was already thinking of a third time. I looked up to examine his sleeping face. I had never seen him so peaceful. There were no nightmares. His expression was serene and calm and I couldn't help but wish that I got to see him like this more. Sure the dark brooding look of his was sexy but it was less exciting when you knew why he was like that and when you couldn't help but feel his pain. He had smiled at me multiple times in the last few hours. I had been dazzled to say the least. He barely ever smiled and when he did, I found myself holding my breath and refusing to blink for the fear of missing out.

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