11. Rogues, Exes and Mates.

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I woke up to the sound of barked commands and frantic replies in my head. Mind communication. Kaveh was mind linking the whole pack. I sat up, too disoriented to understand what was being said at first but the word 'rogue' was enough to make me freeze.

Fear crept into every fibre of my body as I began listening to the conversations taking place. A rogue had entered the territory. The fact that he'd been caught offered no comfort. Were there more?

My mind was instantly plagued by memories of silver chains and...my stomach churned as the faces of each of those men flipped in my head like the pages of a book. Their faces had been ingrained into my mind as they raped me and hurt me in ways I couldn't begin to explain. It was almost like an out of body experience. Like I couldn't grasp what was happening while it happened but the pain would come in waves...never ceasing.

My heart hammered against my chest as I thought about it. Would they get to me again? Would Kaveh be able to stop them? What if they overpowered him? The next thought was more painful. What if they hurt him? Or Jenna? My fear turned to determination. I would die before I let that happen.

I slipped out of bed and moved to the bathroom. I listened to the conversation as they discussed restraining the rogue in the pack cells.
Looking at my reflection in the mirror as I brushed my teeth I knew that being weak was not an option.

When I reached the pack cells, I saw Jackie standing outside looking frustrated.

"Hey, Mikey! Why the long face?" I asked struggling to plaster a smile on my face.

When she saw me her frustration seemed to grow tenfold.
"Alpha still won't let me do anything. He won't even let me see the rogue. I'm not ready he says."

My gaze softened as I watched her expression turn to defeat. I understood where my brother came from, of course, you couldn't fight a rogue after just a month or so of training. You needed to be skilled. I'd been training for years.

"Hey, he's just protecting you, you know that. " I explained gently. "You and I will get stronger together and one day we will fight and protect everyone that matters to us alright? " I asked her.

She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, her determined eyes meeting mine. Just as she nodded, we heard a very familiar and highly disliked voice call my name. I felt myself stiffen but I didn't turn to acknowledge the owner of the voice.

"Pretend I didn't hear him," I said and slipped into the cells. Yes, I'd rather face the rogue than my ex-boyfriend, Logan.

I'd had a huge crush on him when I was sixteen and he had the kind of smile that could melt your heart. He was obviously aware of how gorgeous he was and milked that cow for all it was worth. He had bright green eyes and soft golden hair. He was built like a football player. Although he was super hot, one tended to look at him as cute, charming and funny. Even when we weren't together, he always treated me specially. He had a secret smile that he reserved just for me which made my heart flutter. All he had to do was smile at me once and it drove me half mad thinking about it for the next week.

Then at seventeen, he asked me out and I was over the moon. We dated for seven months before I found out that he'd been cheating on me. His excuse was since I refused to put out, he had to get it from somewhere. Needless to say, I dumped him and put all my energy and concentration into training. It was a few months before that, I had snuck into my brother throwing things around his study.

He hadn't come to see me once since I had gotten back, but I hadn't really spent much time thinking of him.

I walked down the corridor to a door that was guarded by one of my pack mates. He lowered his head to me slightly out of respect and opened the door.

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