17. To Be Close To Him.

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Hey guys!! I'm so sorry it took so long! Thanks for being patient though :) I hope you like it!! Enjoy.



It was evening when I heard a soft knock on the door of my room.

"Come in," I called from atop my bed. I'd been reading Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov and I had absolutely no idea how to feel about the book. It was equally cringeworthy and fascinating. I couldn't wrap my head around how he tried to justify his sickness.

The door opened and Alyssa popped her head in. Seeing her brought a smile to my face. She was bold and happy and it was impossible to be down around her. She was like a breath of fresh air.

"Elaheh! So I was wondering what you planned to wear tomorrow." She said and for a moment I was confused before I remembered Aleksy telling me that he would be introducing me to his pack.

I wish I could say that I wasn't lying when I told Aleksy I wasn't nervous at all but I was. If it was just any pack it might have been different. But this was my mate's pack. Everybody would be assessing me and comparing me to Aleksy. They'd all wonder if I was good enough to be his Luna.

Looking at Alyssa, I realised I didn't actually have anything I could wear. My dresses were loose. In fact, anything I actually owned was far too loose for me. Besides that, I hadn't brought any dresses.

I smiled sheepishly at her and she rolled her eyes.

"I thought so. That's why I brought this." Stepping into the room, she revealed a bag.

"It's one of mine." She said tossing the bag to me.

I caught it and peered inside. The beige material looked soft and glimmered when the light hit it.

I didn't want to take it out to see exactly how beautiful it was.

"It's not going to fit me," I said dropping it on the bed.

"Are you calling me fat?" She asked and I looked at her in shock.

"Wh-what? Of course not. You're perfect...I just meant-"

She cut me off with her bell-like laughter.

"I was only joking." She said still laughing and I chuckled nervously.

I picked up the bag that I had previously flung on the bed and reached in to pull out the dress. To say that it was beautiful would be an understatement.

My mouth hung open as the material sat in my fingers, so soft that I wanted to just bury my face in it.

"Try it on," Alyssa said and I looked up at her still wide-eyed. Quickly, I stripped and slipped into the dress.

I was a little taller than Alyssa so the dress would have been shorter on me but because it was so loose now, it just hung around my frame awkwardly. I gritted my teeth to stop myself from screaming in frustration. I ripped away the beauty of the dress. It looked almost abused hanging on me. I turned away from the mirror. Looking at myself at the moment was more unbearable than usual.

I was about to slip it off when Alyssa walked up to me, scrunching the dress up around my sides to make it stick to me the way it was supposed to.

"Well, we'll need to make some alterations of course. I'll tighten it for you let me just take your measurements. "

With that, she walked out of the room with a slight bounce in her step that I never noticed she had before. I just stood there awkwardly waiting for her to return, not knowing what to do with myself and unwilling to look into the mirror again.

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