Matter of Time AN

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It's been brought to my attention that someone has stolen chapters of my story. I won't say their name, but just know that I am taking care of it as we speak. It's not cool to steal other's work. I spent over a year writing this book and continue to add to it just for some lowlife to copy it and claim it as their own. You're not being clever when you copy it almost word-for-word. I had someone try to copy a chapter before and I let them off of the hook since it was a one-time thing, but when you try to steal my whole story, plot, and content, I will not be so forgiving. I will not just stand by and let someone take my baby away from me. This story has kept me and even some readers afloat in hard times. I'm watching now.
So go ahead and try to say that you didn't do it, but I think it's obvious to everyone.

On a brighter note, a new chapter should be up within a day or two. Sorry for the delay.

*EDIT: I found a way for people to help. Go to wattpad's suggestion box in the help center and vote on to be able to block other users completely. I don't want this person to continue seeing my work but right now the ability to block entirely is unavailable.

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