THANK YOU (please read)

3.6K 93 30

Approx 102,000 words.

228 pages. (plus almost 20 pages of notes)

30 chapters.

I am tear bending! Legit, some of the comments on the last few chapters were really touching and made me cry a bit.

You guys have been the best readers ever and I love each and every one of you! I never thought this story would reach so many people. At the time of writing this thank you, WLMP is at 29.4 THOUSAND views! That's incredible! I've never been so happy with something that I've written and you all made this possible.

If you made it this far into the book, THANK YOU SO MUCH! As a sort of thank you, I'm gonna share some of my own personal thoughts of the book. Things like stuff I had planned and changed or just thoughts in general.

1. I thought about making Riko blind. You know from an earlier chapter where she got the concussion while training with Meelo. But then I said, "Nahh! That's not original! This isn't Toph!" So I tossed it, just keeping a small element of temporary blindness. (Note: it is possible for concussions to result in vision problems. I should know, I've had three concussions in the past four years because I play soccer and I had to get glasses after my first concussion...)

2. I had this evil thought to make Asami turn into a bad guy. Not like Amon or Zaheer! It popped up when Asami announced her successor at the gala and Riko caught the thief stealing blueprints. I thought that maybe Asami might've stolen someone else's idea and claimed it for her own, and that the thief was just hired to steal them back. But then I said "Nahhhh! Asami would never do that! She's too smart to have to steal ideas anyway." So that was tossed as well, and I'm glad lol.

3. I love to play with foreshadowing! And as some of you probably figured out, I did it quite often in this story. One of the most obvious ones was Riko's "Avatar" dreams, which I used to foreshadow the fact that she was basically going to bring in the new Avatar somehow.

I also used foreshadowing when Asami announced her heir and Riko got upset, but then Asami personally told her that she thought the police force would be a good fit for Riko. Yeah that was me saying she's gonna work in the police force. I had that thought from the very beginning.

4. I love earthbending and so it was kind of a personal decision to make Korra and Asami's oldest child an earthbender. >.< But it actually really worked out.

5. I had not intended to make this something of a depression story. It just kinda happened because I got really depressed about halfway through, but that kinda worked out too. However, I usually try to limit how much my emotions play a part of my writing, but that's just something that comes with the job. (It's not really a job though since I don't get paid for it.)

6. I love the beginning to chapter 8 :) I tried to make it sound like Katara's intro in ATLA

7. During chapter 14 (Katara's funeral) I almost made Riko like a demon host like in Naruto. Literally so close to it and you can probably see it if you go back and look at it. But I decided against it because I wanted to be different.

8 Writing smut makes me feel weird and awkward. It just never worked with me so I did my best showing Korra and Asami's love for each other without getting explicit.

9. I wrote chapter 28 with Riko going to the spirit world as a way to acknowledge season 4, because I had wrote much of this book before season 4 happened.

10. Also in chapter 28, I ended it with the word 'perfect' to make reference to how ATLA and LOK both ended with the word 'perfect.'

11. Chapters 29 and 30 were sort of my way of preparing for a sequel if I were to write one... *hint hint*

I might add a few bits of side chapters of just Korra and Asami because I feel like I really drifted from the original Korrasami concept. So stick around. You'll know it when you see them. Also I will be editing this book in the meantime between now and the next book. EDIT: also if anyone has any Korrasami prompts they want me to try out for them I'm open to it :) I need some fresh ideas anyway

If you want a sequel (which I'm sure you do lol) comment, vote, share, follow me, message me, do whatever you can to let me know just how much you want it!!!! Follow me and you'll also see update posts I make. BUT I WANT YOU TO REALIZE SOMETHING IF YOU DO WANT A SEQUEL! This means that Korra has passed away obviously, because we have a new Avatar! And you saw that Riko and Karina are much older now (I mean they are grandma's now.) They're like as old as Tenzin and Lin in the original Legend of Korra TV show, perhaps even older. So the old Krew will not be around anymore. It's the next generation. And if I do write a sequel, it won't be posted until probably March or maybe even April. It took me two months to prepare for this book and I know I'm gonna need much longer to get ready for the next book. But I wish to take a short hiatus because the semester is starting again. Luckily, I now have two beta readers to help out when I'm ready: Raylee57 and KieraLindsey. :) Raylee57 has also been making drawings of the characters and made one last family drawing to commemorate the end. I have also placed a Youtube in the media section (either on the right on desktop or above on mobile) of David Fowler's Avatar Medley. It is freaking awesome and I can't stop listening to it!

Share this story with other people and hopefully more Korrasami fans will find this book and enjoy it as much as you guys have! I have other projects I wanna do this year, so I hope you hang around to check it out! :) Again, thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart. I love you all.

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