Chapter 23

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“K-Karina?!” Riko shouted in astonishment.

The waterbender chuckled with her arms crossed. “The one and only.”

Riko dropped her luggage and dashed up the stairs. She took her in her arms and lifted her off of the ground. Karina laughed as the girl hugged her tightly. She was so high off of the ground that she had to wrap her legs around Riko’s waist and clutch to her shoulders. “Riko! Haha!”

Riko held her close and tearfully looked up at her girlfriend. Karina laid her hands on her cheeks and leaned in to her. Riko beat her to it and crushed their lips together. Karina blushed, but deepened the kiss by pulling her even closer.

They pulled away, making a popping sound. “Karina! I can’t believe you’re here!”

“Who do you think took care of Naga?” Korra imputed as she carried the luggage past them, Naga jogging closely behind.

“What?! You’ve been here for a month?! I would’ve rather been here!” Riko yelled.

“Quiet down, babe. I’m right here. And no I wasn’t here for a month. I just got here about two weeks ago. Bolin was taking care of her before then.” Karina replied. “As much as I want to just go cuddle with you for the rest of the day, we should really help carry everything in first.”

Riko scowled. “Fineeee.” She pretended to drop Karina, who immediately screamed, but Riko caught her again before she fell far. She smirked mischievously while Karina glared at her.

“Not funny.”

“Oh I think it’s funny, especially since I haven’t seen you in over four months.” Riko replied sarcastically.

Karina sighed. “Riko, I can tell you all about that later, but I really think we should help your family.”

Riko pouted, making Karina giving her a peck on the lips. Riko sighed and gently let Karina down. “Alright.”

As soon as all of the luggage had been brought inside the mansion, Riko was right back on Karina. The girl laughed while Riko hugged her tightly from behind.

“I don’t mean to be clingy. I just missed you so much.” Riko whispered into her back.

Karina pried her hands away from her and turned to give her a proper hug. “I missed you too, Riko, so much. I’m sorry I was gone for so long.”

They separated a little bit and Riko led them to the couch. Karina giggled as Riko began to twiddle her thumbs, wanting to cuddle with her like old times but not wanting to smother the waterbender since they had just been reunited. Karina held her arms out open in front of her. “C’mere you big lug.”

Riko smiled brightly and lunged at her, landing in her lap and laying her head on the crook of her neck. She sighed in content when Karina began rubbing her head to calm her.

The Waterbender's Love and the Mechanic's Passion (Korrasami fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now