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Steph POV

I woke up the next morning and looked out the window. I was surprised to see that Harry's car was still there. He must of slept overnight. I wonder where he lives? While looking, I see the mailman come so I made my way downstairs and got it. Looking through it, I see a letter, addressed to me, that had no return address, so it was hand delivered. I opened it and it was a handwritten letter. It says:

Dear Steph,

I always had my eyes set on you since the first day I met you. I can't believe someone as beautiful as you knows me. You have made me the happiest person, just by being alive.

I hope you feel the same way about me because I can't get you out of my mind. Please meet me in the meadow in the park at 7p.m. I'll be waiting and if you don't come, I know how you feel.



Who could this be from? All I can think of is Hector, the smart and geeky kid in my class, Henry, the super hot jock, or Harry? Oh, I need to talk to the girls.

Harry POV

I woke up and immediately walked to my window to see if I could see Steph. I couldn't so I stared at her house for what seemed like hours.

"Harry, come get breakfast!" my mom yelled up to me.

"Not hungry," I said back.

I noticed Steph came out of her house to get the mail. Should I go out there too? Nah, I'd seem desperate. I saw her open a letter and smiled. Then she looked up and glanced at our house. I wonder what the note was all about. I decided I would just go back to bed and think of a way I could actually be with Steph.

Steph POV (3 in the afternoon)


"I TOTALLY AGREE!" Nina yelled.

"Ok, I'll go but what am I going to wear?"

"Ooo, how about that blue dress you wore for the award ceremony last year at graduation?" Nina said.

I haven't thought of that. It was a blue strapless dress that went just above my knees. I was a navy blue with rhinestones on the top half. It was perfect!

"OMG yes, let's get me dolled up. 'Cause you know I don't know what to do," I said.

"Let's do it!" They yelled together.

They curled my hair and put it into a half up style, put on a natural look of make-up, and gave me a pair of 2 inch nude heels.

"You look stunning, whoever H is will just drop dead because you are literally drop dead gorgeous!" Kay said.

"Good luck," Nina said.

"Bye guys," I said and walked outside.

Harry POV

I have done nothing but stare out my window all day, hoping Steph will come out. At about 6:45, she came out looking stunning. He blue dress made her look beautiful and she was! I hope she wasn't going on a date though. I would die of devastation.

Steph POV

I walked on the sidewalk to the park with the note in my hand. I just pray to God it wasn't a kidnapper or a rapist. Oh God, I could die tonight. I made my way to the park and I saw the most beautiful set up in the world. It was a picnic blanket, basket, and about 20 candles around.

"You came."

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