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Harry POV

She closes her eyes and her face relaxes. I smile and kiss her forehead. Her fingers are still wrapped in my hair and mine are above her head, playing with her hair. I am shielding her from the rest of the room, trying to be with her every moment of every day. She is so beautiful and I need this. She is mine.

I lean down and kiss her lips gently, trying to get her to open her eyes. I moved up her face and to her eyelids. "Open your eyes," I plead. Her eyes hold so much depth and I love them. Her eyes are beautiful and I love looking into them. Her eyes remain closed and I begin to grow impatient.

"Please, baby."

She moves her hands to my cheeks and opens her eyes. I look into them and I feel my heart swell. They are so bright and I love them. I love her.

"I'm in love with you," I whisper, "So much."

She moves her hand to trace my eyebrows and I watch her. Her face is so concentrated on my face, while I watch her eyes. I close my eyes and she pulls my head down and kisses my forehead. She keeps her forehead against mine and I can feel her breath on my lips.

"I love you Harry."

I open my eyes and see her lips close to mine. I place soft, innocent kisses to her lips and our noses brush. Her gentle hands are on my shoulders and mine are on her cheeks. I press my lips on hers and keep them there for a while. I pull away and my lips open and hers do the same. The way we have sparks shooting through each other's bodies. I am in awe because of how her touch sends so much impact on my body. She is the only one.

I place a small kiss to her lips but I didn't get a reaction from her. I open my eyes and see her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open.

"Your so beautiful," I whisper.


"Yes?" I need her to tell me what's on her mind.

"I-I need to tell you something."

I start to worry. "What is it baby girl?" I ask moving the hair out of her face.

"Karen needs me home. Like now."

I laugh. "That's fine baby girl."

I get off her and move off the bed. She starts to move slowly and I forgot she was sore. I grab her hands and she gets off. She walks fairly regular so I hope Karen doesn't suspect anything. She walks to the suitcase and grabs her jeans and a bra. She takes her shirt off and I put her bra on her. I hug her and she wraps her arms around me too.

"I love you. Are you still sore?"

"Not really. And I love you too."

I smile and pull back and kiss her forehead. She puts her jeans on and her shirt follows. She puts her hair in a bun and walks out to the living room. I follow her and she grabs her coat. I helps her put it on and I kiss her softly.

"I'll see you later Haz. Meet me tonight at mine?"

"Absolutely." She smiles and I grab my coat and we walk out together. I don't want her walking home so I'm driving her home.

We reach her house and she kisses my cheek. "I love you, see you later."

"Bye baby girl. I love you." She walks in and I pull out of the driveway.

Steph POV

I walk in and it's quiet. Karen said Danny and Jeff went to the mall and the staff is off for the week.


I walk upstairs and I don't hear an answer. I knock on her door and that's when I hear it. Karen is throwing up. I run into the bathroom and see her next to the toilet. I run behind her and hold her hair back. I run her back and she keeps throwing up.

"Karen do you need the doctor?"

She nods and I grab my phone out of my pocket. I call her doctor and said she should would be there in 5 minutes. Karen stays in the bathroom and I get the door when I hear the bell.

"Hi, she is in the bathroom. I came home and she has been throwing up," I tell her doctor Dr. Lee.

"Okay, I'll have a look. I know she is almost two weeks pregnant and morning sickness is normal so I'll have a look."

I lead her upstairs and Karen has moved to her bed. "Hi Karen, can I see your stomach?"

She nods and lifts her shirt up. I walk to the other side of the bed and hold her hand.

"I brought the little monitor and I can check your ultra-sound. Do you want me to make sure everything is okay?"


Dr. Lee took out the monitor and hook everything together. It is fairly tiny and small. She grabs the gel puts it on her stomach, Karen squeezing my hand tightly.

"Well, everything is fine. You only have one growing, there isn't any sign of more than one. I just think your experiencing the bad side of morning sickness."

"Okay thank you doctor. It means a lot that you came here today."

"No problem. I hope you have a merry Christmas."

"Thank you, you too."

I walked downstairs with Dr. Lee and led her out the door. I thanked her again and closed the door. I walked back upstairs to Karen's room and sit next to her.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Yes, but I feel like I just puked my stomach out."

I laughed and hugged her. "Do you want some lunch?"

"Yes please." I walked out of the room and downstairs. I started to boil some noodles and I went on my phone while I waited. Harry texted me a few times, telling me he's at the gym, Tom is irritated him again. I laughed and smiled. I set my phone down and strained the noodles. I mixed in some butter and a little cheese and poured it into a bowl. I walked upstairs and handed it to Karen.

"Little girl, this is amazing!"

I laughed. "Thank you, I learn from living alone."

"Aw, sweetie I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I have you now."

She smiled and ate her home-made mac 'n cheese. We watched TV and I heard the door close downstairs. Karen sat up and made herself presentable, trying not to give any hints that she was recently throwing up. Jeff walked into the room and came and hugged Karen.

"How is my lovely love?"

"I'm good how was shopping?"

"Stupid. It was packed in there."

I laughed and Karen joined.

"And who's fault was it to wait this long to go shopping?"

"This dumbass," he said pointing to himself.

I smiled and Danny walked in. "Steph!"

He ran to me and picked me up. I laughed and he carried me over his shoulder. He walked into his room, which is the same layout as mine but it is dark blue and black. He set me on his bed and hugged me.

"I missed you too Danny, what's it been, 12 hours?" I asked laughing.

"Yes, and I missed you. I need a sandwich."

I groaned and forgot about his deal. "That's why your happy. You want me to make you a sandwich?"

"Yes." He smiled and I walked out of his room and downstairs. I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich for him. It was just PB&J but it will do. I walked back to his room and he was shirtless and playing a video game on his TV.

"Would you do us all a favor and put a shirt on?" I asked and he paused the game.

"Excuse me, but I happen to be very hot. My body gets girls."

"And yet you don't have one yet."

I walked out of his room and into mine.

"What, you don't think I'm hot?"

I turn around and see him still shirtless. I have to admit, he's got a good body but no where near Harry's hot body.

"You are gross Danny."

"And for your information, I just got 3 girls numbers at the mall today."

I started laugh and he asked what.

"*cough* slut," I said, quoting Pitch Perfect.

"You just called me a slut?" He said walking closer to me. I smiled and nodded.

"Well I'll have you know that they all found me attractive."

"Yes, but do they see you for you or your body?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He thought about it and sighed. I smiled at his defeat and he walked out of my room. I walked to my closet and wrapped Karen'a present. I walked back into my room and sat on my bed and read a book for a while. I heard my phone ring and I ran to it.

S: Hello

H: Steph I need you at my place immediately

He sounded worried and rushed.

S: I'll be there in a minute.

I hung up and grabbed my coat. I ran out the door, yelling I'll be back later. I came to Harry's door and unlocked it with my key. I ran in and heard grunting. I walked to Harry's room and I saw him lying on the ground with blood around him.


"Steph, call the ambulance."

I did as he said and went to him. "What happened?!"

"A guy I fought, he came here and beat me up. He said he would take you away from me, said he has always wanted you. He had a knife and scrapped my back. I promise nothing will happen to you because I will kill him."

"No Harry. You don't need to kill him. I love you so much and I am so sorry this happened. You are so strong."

He grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. I pulled back when I heard the sirens. The front door opened and I got up from kneeling next Harry. They place him on a gurney and wheeled him in the truck. I followed and held his hand.

"At least your awake!" I said and he smiled.

"And you with me," he said. I pushed his hair back and the doctor next to us 'awwed'. I blushed and kissed his forehead. We arrived at the hospital and the wheeled him in. I was able to come with him since he is conscious.

They took him in a room, Harry never letting go of my hand. They moved him onto a bed and he sat up carefully. They lifted off his shirt and I looked at his back. It was horrible. His back was cut all over and some were really deep.

"Harry," I gasped. He brought me in front of him and hugged me. He sucked in a breath but he didn't let go.

"I'm okay. Just scratched up."

"My love is hurt. You aren't okay," I said and he laughed. He pulled back and kissed my forehead.

"I love you and I am fine."

I sighed and I was told to sit in the waiting room. Harry whined and I told him I'll be right there when he gets out. I walked out and waited for about fifteen minutes. He walked out with his chest stiff and I laughed.

"Uh, Harry, whatcha doing?"

"They kind of wrapped me up and I can't move my back."

I walked to him and he grabbed my hands. "Can you come home with me?" He asked. I smile and nodded.

"Let me get a car rental then," he said.

"No I will call Danny."

"Okay but he doesn't like me."

"He just didn't like what you did. But I saw past that. Just get him a Christmas present."

He laughed and I pulled away and called Danny. He didn't want to since I called him a slut but I told him I wouldn't give him his Christmas present so he agreed.

Harry and I waited in the lobby and saw Danny pull up. We walked in the car and it was silent.

I nudged Harry and he spoke.

"Hey Danny," he spoke.


"What's up?"


"Have you gotten a girlfriend yet?"

"No, mind your own damn business!"

"I can help you."

I looked at him weirdly and he just nodded, telling me it's okay.

"What do you mean you can help me?"

"I can train you."

"Like boxing?"

"Yeah, all the girls go for the fighters."

I smiled and Harry grabbed my hand.

"I guess."

I saw Harry smile an I leaned my head on his shoulder. Danny pulled up to the apartments and we got out. I told Harry I will meet him inside an he kissed my cheek.

"I still don't know if I like him," Danny said.

"He's nice and he just offered to train you."

"I still don't know. You were so upset and he cheated on you."

"But he explained and he was drunk because he was angry I was hanging out with Hunter."

"So he cheated on you because you were with your friend?"

"As I said he was drunk and had a girl follow him and took control over his state."

"He still did it and hurt you."

"Well I forgave him please just think about it."

"I will. Please be careful with him."

"I always am. Bye Danny."

"Bye Steph."

He drove away and I walked in the apartment. Harry was pacing in the living room and I walked to him.

"Is everything okay?" He asked grabbing my hands.

"Everything is fine. I just was asking him something."

"Oh, okay."

"You should lay down."

He nodded and walked to the bedroom. I told him to lay on his stomach and he did. But of course being Harry, he took his shirt off first.

"Cheeky Harry," I said and he laughed. He laid down and I joined him, turning the TV on. I unwrapped his back and stared at his wounds. Some had stitches but his back was totally scratched up.

"I am so sorry Harry."

He moved to look at me and grabbed my face in his hands. "It's okay. I am fine and I want you to know that." I nodded and he kissed me softly.

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